Originally posted by Betty Bakebake:
<img src="http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y149/bettybakebake/store/logob.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
so this is the one to use? They call this "tag" in photobucket. I would take out the alt=image hosted... I guess.
I can load one of theoriginals to auctiva, of my templates, so how do I get the tag description in auctiva? I am a copy and paste kind of coder, lol.
Yes that is the correct code - the tag one. You actually do not have to remove anything from that link. The alt is just for when your mouse is over the picture, it will display the little pop-up that says it is hosted with Photobucket. You could actually change the text if you wanted.
It sounds like you are going to the description and putting the code in before switching to the HTML editor. Try going to the description area, clicking on the HTML link first then copy/paste your code in. Just the description though, any of your shipping/payment details should be saved seperately.
I changed the tag for the pic for you:
RevisedHere is a great tutorial that Magie made up:
Custom Template TutorialYou can check this one out too, go to the links at the bottom -
Template I revisedThis should get you started in the right direction - I will check back in tomorrow if you have any Q's. Ok well it is 2am here (just looked at the clock) so later today would be more appropriate.