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Since I am stuck with this new editor is there anyway to change the following html codes to look like this ... with a break between lines

<p><font color="#bc0bef" size="+2"></font></p>

<p><font color="#dc143c" size="+1"></font></p>

<p><font color="#0099cc" size="+1"></font></p>

<p><font color="#dc143c" size="+1"></font></p>

because when it is opened it is all runned together with no breakage.

I thought about adding <P> behind each section line but I am afraid it will add more spaces!!

Changing the format to paragraph does not accomplish this neither

The old editor allowed us to use our html codes as we wanted them with no altering. But this new one does which I think is terrible!!
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Hi Al,

I hear your frustration. I am working with the support team to see if it is only users who are using Custom Templates that are having so many problems with the editor.

I have just emailed them 4 of my custom templates. As soon as I hear anything I will post back in this section.

I did find a way of making my description look readable. It's not a perfect solution and it takes a bit of time messing around with your wording, but at least its better than having one jumbled up mess.

Here's what I am doing for now, until it is fixed.

Write up your description, press the enter key as normal for your paragraphs etc. Then select ALL and click on the drop down box and select " NORMAL"

Your paragraph spaces will look huge, but just unclick the highlighted text, and shorten the spaces in between the sentances. Then look at it again on preview.

sometimes it works ! sometimes it don't The new editor is Posessed. !!!

The name they have given it the "FCKeditor" suits it don't you think ? because I tell you what. I am always muttering under my breath when using this darn thing " this F*C*K editor sucks.

I'll let you know what happens.

What I finally did was use the <BR> around my marquee boxes and lettering instead of <P>

Then I am stuck with the same other mess

So after I type my information I switch to Design Mode and I just work there by deleting spaces, etc

Since most of the items I list are in groups I just click on Create a Similar Listing so when it opens I just switch to Design Mode and delete the title and add the new one. Then I just delete whatever I need to replace.

This is my solution until their programmers try something else and hoping they get lucky. Maybe they will stumble back to the old editor!

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