Hi vickie--i am laughing because i also thought xing in and out might help. all it does is add to the stress but at least i am not just sitting there.
it also happens to me with template and you are so right...totally sporadic.
Itsjustus.. are you using chrome or have you also tried both???
I do think that sometimes I get use to the slower and do not expect faster, so when it slows down too much or is not popping up I get antsy.
I do kind of wish it would give a pattern or some clue and not just be on and off. I can find no rhyme or reason as time of day, night, lunch time. . maybe we are hitting it on its lunch hour. . ya think. .
Glad I could make you laugh..
I do think that sometimes I get use to the slower and do not expect faster, so when it slows down too much or is not popping up I get antsy.
I do kind of wish it would give a pattern or some clue and not just be on and off. I can find no rhyme or reason as time of day, night, lunch time. . maybe we are hitting it on its lunch hour. . ya think. .
Glad I could make you laugh..

vickie--today is ridiculous. i believe it's becuz so many people are listing and there is way too much contention for the resources.
i am feeling really aggravated. all my other sites are sailing along and this is going slower than turtles pace.
its not just US!
i am feeling really aggravated. all my other sites are sailing along and this is going slower than turtles pace.
its not just US!
56 seconds to change template
Maybe we are the only 2 left that put notes on forum. . or left selling on ebay???? Where is womandi.. she usually has problems when we do. IT is like itjustus and her.
I have not been on this since around noon, but am getting ready to gear up for night.
Good luck.

I have not been on this since around noon, but am getting ready to gear up for night.
Good luck.
Where is womandi.. she usually has problems when we do. IT is like itjustus and her.
Here I am! Here to complain on the slowness AGAIN/STILL, but then, WHY????? Doesn't matter if I list and site steals my time or if I come here to complain and waste my time! Both ways I lose! Auctiva will not believe us, think we're crazy, they think it's US, blame US! I'm FURIOUS of them robbing my time and money!!!!!
Here I am! Here to complain on the slowness AGAIN/STILL, but then, WHY????? Doesn't matter if I list and site steals my time or if I come here to complain and waste my time! Both ways I lose! Auctiva will not believe us, think we're crazy, they think it's US, blame US! I'm FURIOUS of them robbing my time and money!!!!!
Thanks to you womandi and to lookandbuyme, i know i am sane.
i hope i wrote a succinct response in the other forum, to the suggestion that the problem lies with my isp. i know enough to be dangerous regarding capacities and networks and EVEN if I didn't, the fact that I connect from my ISP to carriers all over the world and only experience the delays with Auctiva is telling enough.
I don't know if it's their server capacities at some level, bandwidth, bursting capacity of packets or whatever...but the IT staff should figure it out and not write me off with the ISP answer.
i hope i wrote a succinct response in the other forum, to the suggestion that the problem lies with my isp. i know enough to be dangerous regarding capacities and networks and EVEN if I didn't, the fact that I connect from my ISP to carriers all over the world and only experience the delays with Auctiva is telling enough.
I don't know if it's their server capacities at some level, bandwidth, bursting capacity of packets or whatever...but the IT staff should figure it out and not write me off with the ISP answer.
I know, itsjustme. Is it like Auctiva is trying to say their site only has problems with certain ISP's or what? if so, they need to get on the $#@* PHONE and talk techie-to-techie and solve the problems because in the meantime they are losing customers big time. (and they probably don't believe that, either!)
You know the main reason I'm so pissed? Is they've been IGNORING this for TWO YEARS. It goes right over their head - they prefer to stay blind about it, or believe that we are making it up or we have slow puters, or our ISP's are the problems. They don't believe that ******ALL***** the other Web sites run FINE - it's just THEM! The same ppl complain over and over (we speak for all, at least I do), and nothing ever gets done. And THAT is the MAIN reason I have zero respect. I do not like being called or treated like I'm crazy or I'm a liar or I'm dumb and don't know about computers and the internet!
And STILL no comment from Auctiva!
The recording software is a great idea but someone from Auctiva should do it.
Since we all consistently are having the same experience, it would be very easy for Auctiva to replicate it themselves and present the recordings to the IT staff.
I'd hesitate to record my work for analysis because of potential security implications.
Auctiva, this happens to all of us and it happens all of the time. None of us want the learning curve associated with a change in listing software and further there are features of Auctiva that we all agree are great. That said, I am not sure any of us are going to tolerate this after the holiday season. I fear that Auctiva has invested its time and resources into its other ventures.
just my five cents worth...
Since we all consistently are having the same experience, it would be very easy for Auctiva to replicate it themselves and present the recordings to the IT staff.
I'd hesitate to record my work for analysis because of potential security implications.
Auctiva, this happens to all of us and it happens all of the time. None of us want the learning curve associated with a change in listing software and further there are features of Auctiva that we all agree are great. That said, I am not sure any of us are going to tolerate this after the holiday season. I fear that Auctiva has invested its time and resources into its other ventures.
just my five cents worth...
And STILL no comment from Auctiva!
I meant to apologize to you for posting basically an identical issue in my own thread. I honestly did not see yours until after I had already commited mine.
Anyway for those who maybe have this thread saved or get automatic notifications of new posts, I wanted be sure that everyone is aware that a new router FIXED MY ISSUE - in the hopes that others may have the same result. For details, see the thread "Auctiva site slowness - FIXED!".
I encourage you to at least give it a try even though it seems like such an unlikely fix.
I meant to apologize to you for posting basically an identical issue in my own thread. I honestly did not see yours until after I had already commited mine.
Anyway for those who maybe have this thread saved or get automatic notifications of new posts, I wanted be sure that everyone is aware that a new router FIXED MY ISSUE - in the hopes that others may have the same result. For details, see the thread "Auctiva site slowness - FIXED!".
I encourage you to at least give it a try even though it seems like such an unlikely fix.
Boz, I am glad you have a fix. I am skeptical. Lots of folks have invested in new hardware to make Auctiva work. We have several stores and several computers with various sets of hardware.
No combination has worked. Regardless of the name many are manufactured by the same company. I believe Linksys is mfr'ed by Cisco but not positive.
Glad that something worked for you but the majority of the rest of us have already tried lots of hardware, lots of browsers and the end result is the same.
No combination has worked. Regardless of the name many are manufactured by the same company. I believe Linksys is mfr'ed by Cisco but not positive.
Glad that something worked for you but the majority of the rest of us have already tried lots of hardware, lots of browsers and the end result is the same.
I switched to a much more expensive internet connection as I was told that the slow speed is my problem. Turns out it is not.
exactly my point chilli, thanks for commenting.
Right! Six mos. ago I thought it was probably my computer and it's not! Now I have 3 working computers!
Here we go again. I can't get anything done. Timing out etc. I know everyone and their brother is trying to list but that is no excuse!
Yup, once again slow as a snail. The interesting thing is that the description loads at a snails pace while the rest of the page loads OK. You would THINK that the genius programmers they have at Auctiva would fix this. It has been this way for YEARS. No other auction lister that is proprietary to their own site is this way. Back in my IT days I would have been told to fix it or else. I worked for a company that prided itself on service, something Auctiva clearly does not do. Turbo Lister is no bargain, BUT it is much faster. Other than templates I'm not really seeing the advantage. If it wasn't so much work to move listings and images, I'd be gone from this.
I ran a couple of tracerts yesterday and found repeated timeouts when i reached the auctiva demarc.
its so awful again. always better in the wee hours when there is no traffic. too much contention for limited resources.
i did also notice that to my utter shock it did run more smoothly when i was out of town not using a linksys router...so something is up on that end too (mentioned on a different thread). Why can't the Auctiva techs fix all this?
its so awful again. always better in the wee hours when there is no traffic. too much contention for limited resources.
i did also notice that to my utter shock it did run more smoothly when i was out of town not using a linksys router...so something is up on that end too (mentioned on a different thread). Why can't the Auctiva techs fix all this?