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Hi Community,

Thanks for helping to bring this issue to our attention. We did recently see a number of cases from sellers who use Photobucket to host their images reporting that our system can no longer generate scrolling gallery images from them and we found that this is occurring because of a problematic change on the Photobucket end of things. It sounds like you may be affected by that issue.

We expect to be able to address this problem by making some configuration changes on our end and we hope to be able to get these changes in place over the next couple days.

If you are indeed using Photobucket to host your header/gallery images, I recommend contacting our customer support department any time after 5/12/09 and we should then be able to get your scrolling gallery images created for you.

If you are not hosting your header/gallery images on Photobucket and therefore are not being affected by the issue I mentioned, please contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page of our site:


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