continual problems regarding ZipCode (I'm Canadian we have postal codes) and demands regarding weight and size of package
Can you be more specific as to the selections or settings that are causing errors?
Is it possible something on the form accidently changed to have an incorrect combination from your prior listings?
I'm assuming you're....
1. Selecting ebay Site Canada at the top of the one-page lister for listing to Canada eBay.
2. Selecting your postal code without a problem in Shipping Tools section. Yes, it does show Zip Code as generic place-holder on the form. Maybe that's a good one for the Auctiva suggestion box for less confusion.

3. Selecting Calculated Shipping for either/both Domestic or International, which would REQUIRE weight and package dimensions (for some combinations). Those wouldn't be needed (or even show on the form) for Flat Rate.
Auctiva is constantly making changes to the one-page lister form to maintain requirements with eBay changes. I've occassionally had to reset or redo something from a prior saved listing due to that problem (unavoidable given eBay's constant changes). They also are sometimes behind in a change that can require update of a listing after submission.