Well, holy scrap, I haven't the foggiest clue what the ****** I did, but I went through, *again*, I copied my entire listing, closed out the old listing, then went to create, yet *another* new listing, pasted it and bam............Geeeeeeeeeeeeez. Finally the dang thing posted but if this wasn't the absolute *worst* day of my Auctiva listing experience EVER! Crazy thing is that I'd pasted the EXACT info I had on the *other* listing that *didn't* have *any* profiles on it. shaking my head right now. I'm outta here and getting me a dang drink! LOL I really appreciate you trying to help me hun. I really do but I've been working on this listing for over 5 hours now and that's just ONE listing of many I need to do. I am done for tonight. That wore me out and I'm going to go spend some time with my sweet love who has been patiently waiting for me to finish this whole mess. I sure hope the *next* listing I do doesn't do this same thing!