"It appears you are offering a payment method that is not permitted in the eBay marketplace. Buyers have a wide variety of choices when deciding how to pay sellers. Most payment methods offer a high degree of safety and convenience, however, a few simply are not appropriate for the eBay marketplace. Based on safety concerns and input from the Community, eBay has established an Accepted Payments Policy that clarifies eBay's position on payment methods."It appears you are offering a payment method that is not permitted in the eBay marketplace. Buyers have a wide variety of choices when deciding how to pay sellers. Most payment methods offer a high degree of safety and convenience, however, a few simply are not appropriate for the eBay marketplace. Based on safety concerns and input from the Community, eBay has established an Accepted Payments Policy that clarifies eBay's position on payment methods.
Please revise your listing by removing the non-permitted payment method."Please revise your listing by removing the non-permitted payment method."