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We are brand new to Auctiva.
When we create an Auctiva listing it goes into the Saved Listing folder. When it expires does that same identical listing go into the Closed Listing folder and still remain initially in the Saved Listing folder? It is important for us to have it done this way so that we can relist from the Closed folder and then for ‘free’ relists we can list again from the Saved folder. Can you please help us clarify this.

Thanks in advance
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Thanks for the clarification 2purrcats.

So as I understand it.

New Listing....................goes into the Saved Folder
B]Free Relist on expire[/B] ..........relist from Closed Folder
List It Again No Free Relist...List from the Saved Folder

Is this sequence correct? Any loss of free listing credit adds up substantially.

I understand that the closed listing page is where you need to relist in order to get the Ebay credit.

What I don't understand is how I can make changes to the auction prior to relisting, using Auctiva. If you click on the relist button on the closed listings page it will just upload the same exact information. I need to make changes prior to the upload. Any help would be appreciated.
I have determined,that a choice must be made once a person has imported auctions from eBay to Auctiva whether to continue on with the eBay auction format or switch over to the Auctiva (with its nice templates) which is an eventual certainty. If we switch to Auctiva we do possibly lose one week of free relists.

I do this and import the Closed auctions to the Saved auctions and put on my Auctiva template, item specifics, update shipping which has to be done anyway now that our listings will expire when the new rates are in effect, etc.

Now, if when my Auctiva template auctions expire I relist in bulk from Closed assuming no changes. If a change is necessary I relist individually, clicking on the eBay Listing Number and inside the eBay listing click on Relist which will bring me to the screens to modify the existing Auctiva template.

In short, list from Saved and relist (and modify) from closed, whether eBay listings or Auctiva.

Now get someone to certify what I have said is correct for I have only been with Auctiva for a few days.

I figured out how to relist an auction using Auctiva info and still get the Ebay credit.

1. Open the saved folder and choose one of your auctions and click the edit button.

2. Edit this auction with any changes you would like to make for your new auction and save it.

3. Now open up the saved folder again and click on the auction you just saved. Now click on the get html button.

4. A pop-up box will appear and you need to click the select all button. Once everything is higlighted save it to your clipboard.

5. Open up Ebay and go into your unsold listings that still has a credit avaialable.

6. Click on on the relist option and then edit this listing as if you were going to change item within eBay.

7. Slide down to the description field and click on the HTML tab. Highlight the entire HTML section and replace it with the info on your clipboard.

8. You can now change any other fields like title, price, length of auction, etc. as normal.

9. When complete just save and post to ebay as normal.

You should then receive your credit for relist with out any problems.
We are instructed to relist using the Closed folder, however this does not, as I can see, allow for modifications to the listing such as this all important USPS shipping change. None

of us can seemingly find an edit option using Auctiva which certainly should exist for the free relist follows the expired eBay auction item number as I understand it.

However, if we click on the eBay item number in the Closed folder we can migrate to an Edit button for the Auctiva listing which needs editing and make the necessary changes. If we relist using this manner we will surely get the free relist credit.

My questions here is: On the relist above, when changes are made and we select Relist from that form, are the auctions being relisted by eBay (it appears so) or are they relisted by Auctiva?

If they are relisted using eBay how will this affect this program if they sell or don't sell. Upon future expiration, for example, will this auction appear in our Closed listing folder?

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