i was reading that ad myself the other day (yesterday?) and throughout the ad she basically says that the bills are real.
you'd think that she could be brought up on charges for mail fraid and for trying to pass counterfeit bills, once the buyer finds out the truth.
not to mention the whole ethics thing. no way could i do that sort of crap as a seller.
i feel sorry for whoever ends up buying it.
another one of her past auctions, she pretty much said over and over that the buyer would be getting a vehicle. in tiny font size at bottom she didnt flat out say it wasnt a vehicle, but did make it more evident that it wasnt.
sellers like that should be NARU'd, imho. They do more to hurt ebay then to help it. Same with all those that sell "how to get rich on ebay" crap. And dont even get me started on the ones that sell gold plated jewelry, but throughout the ad refer to it as 18K, 22K, etc, and only tell the truth in tiny print that's buried in the ad.