*sniff sniff* I thought the site was just slooooow today....but it doesn't even WORK

I'm sorry, this is BEYOND frustrating...and what a surprise...has ANYONE heard ANYTHING from Auctiva???
I didn't want to, I wanted to stay..but I can't...I just can't! This is outrageous...and I don't give a flip if this site is FREE or not...it is false advertising! And I quote from their main page...
SAVE TIME. Auctiva offers world-class reliability with distributed architecture, allowing better auction management when eBay servers are down.
It's a LIE...it's a blaitant lie! Updates or not, they are nowhere close to having that kind of reliability. Maybe that phrase should also be on their "to do" list just like editing the 5 minute to 2-5 hours update comment when the system has upgrades.
Well, I'm leaving Auctiva...I hope you're happy! I REALLY REALLY wanted to stay..but I can't. The dependability you folks offer is outrageous, there is none! And you can bet I'll stear others away....too many headaches. I wish you would have at least RESPONDED to us...let us know something, ANYTHING! But you don't; you never inform us of issues....nothing! The customer service is deplorable! I'm so frustrated right now! I wanted to stay....I REALLY did...but YOU folks have done this!
Never any communication. Don't you realize that is KEY in any business you have? You can easily calm the natives buy being honest and letting us know what's going on....but you don't...you never ever do....and if you do, it's days later with your "apologetic cust serv response". Who cares I say! Let me know in the trenches what's going on....I don't want warm fuzzies when the war is over.
Good day Auctiva! Good day!