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Hi Peeples

To copy/paste image link into ebay [when adding a pic]Auctiva directions say "get html"
There is NO link that says "get html"

The image URL html is there but it malfunctions if copied "as is"

I believe the url for the image must first be bracketed with something like <img src http: [then it ends with closing the bracket but cannot remember what it is..........

Is it /img src> ???
If there is such a thing as a black hole - then yipee ! I finally found a place to hide all my stuff.....
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Hi Katy,

I suspect the instructions you are alluding to refer to the <HTML> icon that is displayed next to each item on the Auctiva Saved Listings page. This icon replaced the "Get HTML" button that used to be on that page, which is used to grab the HTML code used to generate the description of a listing, including the template and everything within it.

Any additional questions or concerns? Please file a support request using the appropriate link on our help page:

Thanks Mike - but all I see next to the image is a check box -- looked everywhere for this ICON - nothing - nada nowhere

Also I am about to throw in the towel with profiles -- I created each one for shipping payment etc but wanted to edit them--when I go to the list for profiles - I get a blank new one-so I am apparently looking in the wrong place.

I am sorry bit I find Auctiva to be confusing and burdensome in some ways - and great in others
i.e. it said to "name the template" you wish to use - I typed in Sand Dollar - it came up alright-- but so did the word Sand Dollar plunk under descriptions aaaarggh

Please understand I'm not complaining but I do believe things need more simplification.
OK I see the problem! The only place you can get the html image icon is in the SAVED LISTINGS

So it appears the only image html I can get is if it is sitting in a saved or active listing. I already have those images - so why would I want html for them?

I was looking in my categorized listings of uploaded images where there is NO icon for the html in there.

There seems to be no other way to add an image from my categories to my ebay active listing........ What I am trying to do - is get the image html from my image listings and drop it into ebay "revise" or "add to" description

Is this not possible? Confused
Hi Katy,

The process of editing a profile is a bit different than that necessary to create a new one. In order to edit a profile, you just need to click the "Manage Profiles" link under the "Profiles" tab within your account and then select the "Edit" option next to the profile you'd like to make changes to.

Also, when you click the <HTML> icon next to a listing on your Saved Listings page, the HTML that is generated contains everything necessary to create the description of the listing, which includes the template and everything within it. This allows you to make changes to saved listings and then apply them to active eBay listings.

If you would like to change your template or the images within the template of an active listings, you can make those changes in the associated saved listing. Then, you can grab the HTML used to generate the description of that saved listing using the <HTML> icon and replace the description HTML in the active listing with the HTML generated by that icon.

If you would simply like to add an image to the bottom of an active listing, you just need to click the "Active" link under the "Listings" tab within your account, check the box next to the item you'd like to add an image to, and then click the "Add Images" button. Once you have uploaded the desired images, just click the "Back to Select Images" link, select each image you'd like to add with your cursor, and then click the "Add" button.

I must admit that I'm not extremely clear on what exactly you are trying to accomplish given your follow up responses, so a more direct conversation may be the way to go. If you are still having trouble making your desired revisions, I recommend contacting our customer support department using the appropriate link on our help page:


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