Hello Dinosaur,
I personally do not increase the cost of items if they do not sell in auction when I move it into my eBay shop, but I understand why those who do, do. It is because selling fees for items in the shop are much higher, so if you list something for the minimum you need to sell it for, you could end up selling items in the shop at a loss. Just a thought!
I agree with most points in this article except the claim that the eBay store gets ton of exposure. That comment almost made me fall of my chair! The only exposure it gets is when the seller drives traffic to it through auction listings or by self-promoting(and of course if the buyer searches in stores, which is less likely to happen.
About raising the price when sending it to the store...that only makes sense. For example, if I list something for auction at 1.99, expecting bidding to drive it it up to its actual value of 9.99, I am not going to list it in my store for 1.99 if it doesn't sell at auction. That would be ridiculous because it is worth 9.99. SO, maybe I would list it at 9.99 and put a best offer option on it. Or, maybe list it for more than 9.99 with best offer. But, I wouldn't list it at the auction price.
I don't know what my sell through rate is and I don't care at this point. I am trying to build a new business and that will take time. Right now, I can't even do that because of the stupid problem I have that my Auctiva photos are disappearing from my listings, but are still in Auctiva images.
Oh well, I just wanted to comment on this post, because it kind of hit a nerve.
About raising the price when sending it to the store...that only makes sense. For example, if I list something for auction at 1.99, expecting bidding to drive it it up to its actual value of 9.99, I am not going to list it in my store for 1.99 if it doesn't sell at auction. That would be ridiculous because it is worth 9.99. SO, maybe I would list it at 9.99 and put a best offer option on it. Or, maybe list it for more than 9.99 with best offer. But, I wouldn't list it at the auction price.
I don't know what my sell through rate is and I don't care at this point. I am trying to build a new business and that will take time. Right now, I can't even do that because of the stupid problem I have that my Auctiva photos are disappearing from my listings, but are still in Auctiva images.
Oh well, I just wanted to comment on this post, because it kind of hit a nerve.
quote:If a seller has listed an item at a price that wouldn't sell and then I noticed that item in their ebay store listed for a higher price, that would be the end of my dealings with that seller. It would raise many suspicions on my part...and we all know how easily fraud and scams are perpetrated on ebay
Hi dinosaur the store format is only a form of BIN listing and even on auction listings sellers often list a BIN price for those in a hurry alongside a lower starting auction start. No point in the BIN price being lower than the auction start price even for a store BIN item.
And how do you know it will not sell, you would be amazed at how an item can attract no interest for 3 listings running and all of a sudden two buyers fight over it. eBay may be live 24/7 but the buyer for your item may just be in for a browse occasionally.
So it's not a scam, Ms M is right as usual

I have different sale through rates depending on auction, store, or buy it now listing. Oerall i think i'm in the 10-15 range.
I sell my original abstract art. Does my low rate meaqn my art is no good.
Urban Picasso
I sell my original abstract art. Does my low rate meaqn my art is no good.
Urban Picasso
a 70% success rate is pretty high. goodluck. there so much that i learn from here as i write my essay and other college essay requirements, i just wish i could duplicate your efforts too
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