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Does anybody have any ideas of other ways I can check if a customer checkout was completed or not? I have a couple items I need to ship today, but didn't receive a checkout completion e-mail for. I would assume that means it wasn't completed, but I don't want to buy insurance through the Post Office and later find out that I already paid for the insurance on Auctiva. I imagine it would be a hassle to get the insurance cost refunded. Any ideas?
me too. I was wondering how auctiva was about combined items. Sometimes I have to uncombine and recombine because the buyer bids on more stuff the next day. I am very flexible about combining. I don't charge extra to combine and charge exact shipping. Thats why I have a lot of return customers. You could say I keep them coming. oops did I say that. OK you can hit me. Sorry.
I am super new to Auctiva, I just started using it on my listings about week or so ago, and bingo an item sold and the person is unable to check out because she is being redirected to auctiva. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this problem? Also how do you purchuse insuance through Auctiva. I'v been hearing alot about that, but not about where to locate the page to do it.
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