Hi cuteworld,
While it is not possible to create the type of email you have described that would be sent to your customers automatically once you have shipped their items, you could potentially create a custom email that you could send using manually (even in bulk) using the "Send Email" option on your Auctiva "Transactions" page.
If you would like to create such an email template, you will want to click the "Sales" tab within your account and then click the "Custom Emails" link in the "Automated Email" box. You would then want to click the "Create an Email Template" button at the top of the page to reach the email creation editor.
When creating your custom email, you can make it so certain pieces of information specific to the transaction you are sending the email with respect to are inserted using the tags in the "Custom Template Tags" area on the left. For example, if you inser the "Item Title Link" tag, the title items will appear there when the email is sent and it will be a clickable link to the eBay item. You will also need to make note of the "Template Type" that is selected when you save the email because it will be necessary to know that when you send the email.
Once you have created the email template, you will be able to send it to your buyers by going to your Auctiva Transactions page, checking the boxes next to the items you'd like to send the email with respect to, select the "Template Type" you saved the email with in the "Send Email To" drop-down menu, and then clicking the "Send" button. You will then be taken to a page where you can select the specific email template you'd like to send and you can send them off from there.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page of our site: