I am relatively new to Auctiva although a long time user on ebay.
Having been impressed with the scrolling Auctiva Showcase I posted my first listing on ebay via Auctiva and now cannot revise that listing.
I have several listing currently on ebay which I listed via ebay and can revise all of them with no problem.
When I attempt to revise the listing that I posted via Auctiva I get the following error message:-
"We were unable to process your request.
We are sorry, but we were unable to process your request.
Please check the eBay Announcement Board for updates on recent and upcoming
major system issues,and other important eBay news.
eBay "
I contacted Auctiva Customer Service via email and although very impressed with the speed of their replies, they basically passed the buck onto ebay.
Ebay are now looking into the matter but I was wondering if anyone else had had this problem before.
It just seems to coincidental that the only currant listing that I have on ebay at the moment that I cannot revise is the one that I listing via Auctiva