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Irish Gal---I have only had couple of bad experiences with money orders and they have happened within the last month...Two buyers from Canada sent money orders that WERE NOT international money orders and therefore required a transaction fee, so my local bank could cash them. I had already sent the item out on one, but I had not sent the item out on the other---so I contacted that buyer of the bank notification, requested the additional fee OR gave the buyer the option to cancel the sale. The buyer elected to cancel the sale. I returned the money order to the buyer. The total sale amount was not worth asking ebay to refund my FVF. I chalked it up as selling experience.
It all depends on what you sell. In my line I am likely to see a lot of similar items to a new buyer. A lot of people don't take bidding on ebay seriously. I have a lot of items sold to one buyer and then no payment. I do block a lot of people but have no way of knowing which new person will pay. For me paypal is better. I won't buy from someone who doesn't take it because it offers you protection that the item will be sent to you.
I also wish to add that you should always go through the motions to get non paying bidder fees back. Whether you mutually decide to end the transaction or not. A Canadian would normally know to send money in American dollars. It's easy for them to do this at the banks up there. I did have an American send me a totally blank money order which needed to be signed.I had to return it. Apparently the buyer had been sending blank not signed money orders to all the sellers except for the amount.She insisted the seller fill it out. You will really run into some characters on Ebay.Reporting non paying bidders helps every seller on ebay. We don't need them We don't want them on ebay!
Greetings Skinny;

I sell and buy on ebay under another user name. This keeps my funny money separate from my professional business money.

In the instances of selling and buying under both user names, I do accept money orders and paypal. I occasionally get a MO, but not very often. Yup it is a hassle running the chump money to the bank.

On the other hand I buy antique items on Ebay with the money I make from the sale with my other user name. I upsell into antiques and then sell the antiques in another venue for double the money. A lot of times the sellers of the antique items do not accept paypal and I just send them a check. It takes awhile, but always got my items. Also the lists in search that I generated under an advanced search, never put a non papal seller at the bottom of the list. I always look at a list that has the items indexed with time ending soonest. A lot of times I bought and did not see that they did not take paypal. Didn't bother me, just knew I would not be getting my item any time soon.
I only buy from people who take paypal, and I only sell to them.

Running to the bank isn't a problem, its hanging around waiting for cheques to clear, while buyers email and email asking when you're going to post, then leave you bad feedback because they waited 2 weeks for the item (2 days to receive cheque, 5-7 working days to clear, then 2 days for them to receive item.

Paypal is much better, and the fees aren't all that bad
thanks for your reply---it's nice to know I'm not in the boat alone. Doing things the OLD fashioned way still works. I know it is easier and quicker to use paypal but I don't think everyone realizes that the cost of using that credit card, costs the seller and therefore the cost is passed on to the buyer. Honest buyers and sellers call still be found. I have had no problems with personal checks and buyers understand that it will take a little longer to get the item. I normally send the item out the day after I get the check as long as their feedback comments are good. I've given up on the numbers and the star system, to confusing for me. thanks again for taking time to send your message.
I don't add the paypal fees onto my buyers, I just take it as one of those things with running a business.

Ebay fees, and paypal fees are nothing.

I used to run a shop, and the cost of lighting, phones, rent, upkeep etc make a couple of pound here and there nothing.

If there were no ebay fees, no paypal fees, I would still charge the same, its an expense to me, not my buyer.
I normally send the item out the day after I get the check as long as their feedback comments are good.

As time passes you will no longer know how many times they defaulted or bounced cheques because other sellers can no longer warn you from their experience.

The ability to reliably work this way has passed and when PayPal is a compulsory option on your listing you have no choice but to accept it if that is the way a buyer wants to pay.

In light of the inability for sellers to warn other sellers PayPal becomes the safest way to accept payments.

Isn't that convenienet for PP and eBay profits !
I still contend that the cost of using paypal is passed onto the buyer..Do you buy something for $1.00, and sell it for $1.00??? If your answer to this question is NO, then you are passing the cost of paypal onto the buyer. Whether you want to admit it or not, your selling price includes the price of: paying ebay fees and paying paypal fees, as well as what it cost you in the first place. Sure, it is quicker to use that piece of plastic. I agree with you on this point. But give the old way a chance. A personal check is not something that you should be afraid of. The fact that you talk about NO PROTECTION is like saying you have already made up your mind that you will NOT received the item/s that you order/ed. There are still honest buyers and sellers everywhere. What's that saying---stick me once, shame on you, stick me twice, shame on me.
and if I bought at $1 and sold at $1 what would be the point?

I sit down and work out ok I buy at $1, I would like to sell at $2.50

I don't then sit and say but ebays fees are going to be 50c, and paypal fees are going to be 50c, so i'm going to sell at $3.50

No I still sell at $2.50

I'm not saying you shouldn't take cheques, just that I personally don't. I've been caught up in bad cheques before, and not only do I not get paid for the item, but my bank charges me because the cheque bounces... I didn't even get the money for the item, you think i got my fees there back?

But thats just my opinion. Same as you have yours.
This is completely unrelated.Recently I sent a package that cost me $12.00 to ship to the UK. I do much business with the UK, Canada, Australia and places in Europe. The woman started emailing me right awy where is my package. After a month I gave her a full refund.
Then 2 days ago the package came back. The woman hadn't lived at the address given to me in 3 years. She became angry with me because I had her old address.
It's quite simple.

Only give a refund when the postal service refunds you. They stipulate the earliest time intervals for when an item can be claimed as lost and take their own sweet time especially for international claims.

Always use airmail as surface mail timeouts can greatly excede eBay and payPal dispute time outs.

Reds are inevitable from lazy and incompetant buyers so let them wait until the postal service machine has processed the problem.

Block them from future bidding with you as soon as they become annoying, afterall you can always remove the block later if all becomes and ends amicably.

Never just refund them due to pestering, be firm, polite and to the point, and as I said before reds are inevitable so why waste time on dozy incompetant and just downright devious buyers.
I've certainly had enough American devious buyers. I really thought that she had received the package and was taking advantage of me until it showed up at the Post Office. Quite frankly I've had very little trouble with any overseas buyers. No problems with the UK at all previous to this. Now that they are counting the neutrals as negatives I felt I couldn't afford a negative. My items are related to popular childrens books and a TV show that runs all over the world. The items are only available in the states. I'm hoping as most of the neutrals are near dropping off that my score will lift.I do try to sell on Amazon when possible. Because you know when you are paid on that site.
Ok, you can't afford a negative or a neutral these days, but the buyer could still leave one regardless of whether you refunded or not.

You don't need to wander through many other sellers feedback to see neutrals even for postal service delays or just "nice item" have a neutral because I got carried away and bid too much for it !

The way things are you can end up both out of pocket on a transaction and get penalised in the hope of good feedback or at least no feedback.

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