Hi Skinny, don't get me wrong, but ebay has ceased to be a fun place, and will rapidly become more formal as time goes by and recently there seems to be another change announced almost weekly.
Nobody should have to pay for protection.
True but we are generally have to pay taxes for law and order, house insurance and car insurance, and then there are those little extras some need to pay for like income insurance for mortgages, life insurance plumbing, central heating, medical . . . .
takes the FUN out of daily visits to my ebay to see what's happening
True again, stopped being fun about a year ago as a buyer, and selling is business regardless of size, wish I was high powered seller making millions wouldn't be up past midnight doing this myself I'd be paying others.
BUT there are or WERE a lot of sellers out there just like me, a little guy just trying to survive
I get the impression that most that get stuck into using Auctiva are more than just casual sellers because they need the tools to make their business however small more efficient, hence cost effective and thus more profitable.
Can't really see that being a casual seller really equates to someone trying to survive, sure if you can get to grips with e-selling you should try and ramp it up to make it more than just surviving.
I think all these changes over the last year have probably more effect on long term ebayers like you than relative newbies like me with a mere 2-3 years experience.
Seems like some of the recent changes are casued by thieves on ebay just like we have to have locks on our doors and insurance against theft from our houses and cars, so yes we do need to pay for protection, organised crime is everywhere these days, like it or not