Everyone, post your tip here

I'll start with something I've noticed here on the boards

If you post a link to your store (or AboutMe page) outside of eBay, be sure to include the referral code in the url. This will allow you to save 75% on eBay's FVF if the person buys something from you. (this will only work if you have an eBay store)
To qualify for the credit, a sale must meet all of these conditions:
The buyer must go to your eBay Store directly from a location outside of eBay
The buyer's Web browser must accept "cookies.
The buyer must purchase the item during the same Web browser session used to enter your Store
The item sold must be in Store Inventory format
To create a link with referral code:
Obtain the Web address (URL) for the part of your Store that you'd like buyers to visit.
Add a special referral code to the end of the URL you've obtained. The code is ?refid=store or &refid=store, depending on the area in your Store that you want to link.
if a URL already has a "?", use "&" before "refid=store". Otherwise, use "?" before "refid=store".
StoreFront http://stores.ebay.com/yourstorename?refid=store
AboutMe http://cgi3.ebay.com/ws2/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewUserPage&userid= yourUserID&refid=store
Category within Store http://stores.ebay.com/yourstorename_W0QQdptZ0QQsclZallQQtZkm?refid=store
An Item in your Store http://cgi.ebay.com/Name-Of-Item_W0QQitemZ4560088038QQc...ViewItem?refid=store
Search of items in Store http://search.stores.ebay.com/search/search.dllMfcISAPI...tResult&sid=41101180
Custom Page with your Store http://stores.ebay.com/yourstorename/pages/pagename?refid=store
for more info on referral credits visit http://pages.ebay.com/help/specialtysites/referral-credit-faq.html