Well folks,
I took the "challenge" and did a series of tests to explore the size limit and the full capability of the Drag-and-Drop (D&D) uploader. Here's what I did and the results.....
I created 50 identical files of equal size by replicating and renaming the same .jpg file test01 - test50 and placed the files in a folder on my system called Auctiva Test. The files are all 995,302 bytes in size (confirmed by the uploader and the files properties).
I used the "Select Folder" button of the D&D to locate the Folder and the "Scan" feature to load all the files into the D&D window in a single pass. NICE!

On my first attempt to Upload, I immediately got an error message that I was attempting to exceed the Maximum Limit of 33,554,432 bytes. That happens to be a "magic number" of exactly 32 Megabytes 1024x1024x32 (interesting), and suggests the uploader is perhaps temporarily storing the uploads to memory for resizing, etc. prior to storing to the image library. That's the way I do it for expediency in programming with as little server disk hits as possible, i.e. memory is fast, disk is slow....although paging might be happening in some cases.
I removed files test34 to test50 from the uploader pane and retried (what I excepted to be just under the limit at 32,844,966 bytes).
That attempt to upload test01 - test33 was accepted, so I immediately stopped and re-added file test34 to the list to just exceed the limit with 33,840,268 bytes; and it was also accepted (that should have broke the limit).

Stopped again and re-added file test35 to move the total to 34,835,570 and that was rejected. OK....there may be some fudge here.

I removed test35 from the list and wanted to confirm that a transfer of test01 - test34 would complete successfully, or at least make sure my minor excess of the limit would work.
I began the upload with test01 - test34 files in the window and timed the upload at 10 minutes and 27 seconds including the pause at the end of the upload to digest and store the pictures in the library. That's about 18.5 seconds per picture and fast!, or as my 4yo grandson says when happy happy joy joy occurs...SWEET!

Please note, I'm on high-speed cable in US, so that result is probably optimum.
In checking my picture library, the 8x10 cropped shots were resized to 767px x 961px at 114.36KB by Auctiva and all good.
Hopefully, this test can help guide others in use of the D&D Uploader.
Interesting that I was able to just exceed the 32MB limit, but I'd stick with the 32MB as a guidline for what I'd throw into the D&D. It's a very good tool by Auctiva's programmers, so I use it to full advantage folks.
OH...and don't worry Auctiva, I'll delete the files.