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After reading this thread. I just want to remind everyone that DO NOT keep any money in your Paypal account. Withdraw them all frequently and let lousy buyers deal with an empty Paypal account. Also, if a buyer did a charge back on you, please make sure state that in your feedback. I will never sell anything to a customer who files a chargeback.
I started this thread and am pleased with all the out-pouring of responses. 80% or more have agreed that PayPal and Ebay abuse their powerful monopoly. Years ago at Christmas, when I was really inexperienced with this duo, I sold an expensive necklace to an international customer. Really seemed legite and they paid through PayPal. I was trying to get all my Christmas items shipped before leaving town, so I shipped this item within 72 hours of payment. While I was away, PayPal did a chargeback on my account due to stolen credit card. Mind you they waited 5 days before they notified me "not" to ship the item and it was Christmas time. I did withdraw my PayPal balance before I left on my trip and it had a zero balance. However, my account was negative when I returned and everyone who purchased from me while I was gone and paid with PayPal merely went to my negative balance... I could not withdraw my earnings after that chargeback. When I returned, I contacted the Postal Svc and filed the paperwork to stop delivery of my item due to stolen credit card. They tried, but somehow after this, they cannot verify what happened or who actually signed for the item.

I was furious. PayPal should have eaten that mistake and they did not.

I argued with PayPal when I got back, argued with Ebay as well. Did not win. I closed my PayPal account with a negative balance.

They locked me out due to a negative balance and would not let me retrieve my credit card info or my banking acct info. PayPal withdrew the negative balance from my checking acct. I notifed my bank I did not authorize that withdrawal and they reversed it on PayPal. My one victory.

My daughter opened me another PayPal account and I continued to do business with different banking info and moved on. You can win sometimes with PayPal if you play with the same rules they do... Sad an honest seller has to go to those lengths to stay solvent, but you do what you have to do.

I have had one chargeback since and never got my merchandise back and PayPal still gave the buyer a refund eventually and put me into a $500 negative balance. Thinking about closing that account with PayPal as well, but I cannot get my banking and checking info back. In my experience, they always rule for the buyer... I know that is not always the case for everyone, but I have dealt with some buyers who will lie or whatever to get their money back... and it works with PayPal 99% of the time. Although I do sympathize with honest buyers who deal with dishonest Sellers. In my experience of over 1000 transactions as buyer and seller, Buyers have the advantage.

I am just not a big PayPal fan, but they are the only game in town with Ebay... so use them and pray you don't get screwed too many times.
Paypal screwed me about a week ago closed my account and froze the money that is in there almost 500.00 after a buyer complained that what I sold them was illegal in Canada. Of course paypal sides with the buyer and a few days later i receive this email:

"The PayPal User Agreement states that PayPal, at its sole discretion,
reserves the right to close an account for any violation of the User
Agreement, including the Acceptable Use Policy.
We are hereby notifying you that, after a recent review of your account
activity, it has been determined that you are in violation of PayPal's
Acceptable Use Policy. Therefore, your account has been closed.

If you have any questions, please contact the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy
Department at

PayPal Acceptable Use Policy Department
PayPal, an eBay Company"

I tried to get my money and was informed that they can hold it up to 180 days because I violated their policy.

If you are smart you will get out while you can. I hear Google is coming out with a payment system to take on paypal's monopoly, we can only hope. But ebay probably won't allow it.

here is a link for some banners that are ebay friendly that you can insert in your auctions from the paypal sucks website

no paypal accepted logos
If Paypal keeps it up, they will eventually step on someone's toes that has the BUCKS to do something about it.. Or even better, the Feds will get sick of complaints, open a dummy acct. with Paypal, have someone file a dispute that is bull, and go from there. This can't go on forever. Paypal/Ebay aren't above the law no matter what their "POLICIES" are even though right now they feel very powerful. Wonder how much they pay their lawyers versus abiding by banking laws?
I do want to say one more time as it's gotten lost in the many responses to the PAYPAL being unprofessional issues,,,,,,,,,, Buyers get stung sometimes also. In particular, myself for a sink shipped clearly damaged BEFORE shipping. She had others she sold in the same condition. Packing was none except a garbage bag and box, but no damage inside or out of the box,,, many cracks in the hard surface sink though. When I emailed the Seller, she told me to take it up with the shipping company.. We all know that the person shipping the item has to TAKE IT UP WITH UPS OR DHL.. We, the Buyer, have no rights in that area and pray for an honest Seller to follow through. She collected insurance back from DHL, told me to take a flying leap, and was keeping my money too. I battled PAYPAL for 4 months doing everything they asked. In the end, I won the dispute because the Seller had the sink back(proven), money from DHL(proven), and refused to pay me(also proven via her emails). PAYPAL told me to email the Seller and ask for my money. WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS. What did they think I filed the dispute for? I did ask her for my money. I went to Ebay then and told them that BUYER PROTECTION doesn't mean if Paypal can get your money back from the other party, and stuffed their own policy verbage down their throat. Is it insurance or just a trick to make people feel secure? Paypal coughed up, but not happily. Next thing I knew, my auctions were cancelled for stating I don't take credit cards via PAYPAL.. Hmmmm, possible retaliation?
Again, bottom line, paypal (not worthy of capitalization) sux.
Our only option is a pricey merchant account. And in the end can end up losing you a lot of money. I've began to just accept checks and money orders. It takes longer for an item to sell, if it sells, but I offer a lower price than others on eBay with the same item. That is about the only advantage I have against the sellers that accept paypal. Some people are willing to save that extra buck and send a check. But others are impatient and dont want to take the time to mail a check.
Oh well, I'm about through with selling on ebay. It's getting to be too much of a hassle. It used to be fun tho!
I agree with Daes_Venge. Ebay has always been a hobby for me. It was so much more fun before. With all the rules and high fees these days, plus many many fewer bids compared to the old days, Ebay is just not much fun any more. I used to looking forward to posting a thing or two. I even used to miss posting on Ebay if I did not. Now I just lay back and do one or two whenever I feel like to. I find there are more and more days than I have no listings at all. If this is the general trend, it's not good news for Ebay investors.
Sounds like a lot of us that started way back when Ebay appreciated our business. It was fun to post a few auctions and exciting to see what some of our "stuff" went for.. It didn't matter if you were a Power Seller, and PAYPAL WAS "FREE" so they didn't FREEZE accounts, and make themselves judge and jury. Of course they "INVESTIGATE" before making rulings, NOT. I've met many great people on Ebay that I still keep in touch with via email. It's a shame that many things have gotten so ugly.
PayPal sucks. Especially when I get my listings on Ebay removed because I am selling things for 99p and make a statement that asks buyers who wish to pay via PayPal to also pay their charges of 3.4% plus 20p. I mean there is little profit from 99p to start with, especially after I have paid 15p to make the listing and charge an honest postage.
Seems I'm not alowed to do that for some reason.
Next I reckon Ebay will want me to pay for the buyers stamps if they send me a cheque through the post. Reckon they'll be selling stamps next. Wonder if they have thought about buying the post office so they can screw us there as well?
Don't worry about Ebay/Paypal buying the Post Office to assist in higher fees, the Post Office has had several rate hikes in the past 2 years so they are quite capable of doing their own screwing of us. SMILE.. I know how it feels to have auctions cancelled because of setting my terms of payment. Ebay says they are simply a third party entity, but when they tell you how to received payment for goods I think not.
I have paid my dues with "Pay(more)Pal" , and signed up with AuctionCheckout. Its a Very Very detailed application, questions like "were you breast fed as a baby" ... they do dig deep.

Pay(more)Pal has takin me to the cleaners with chargeback, resticted limits, holding funds, which they are holding 600 now and a reversal of 400 in the last week... so its time to let someone else take my fees for accepting CC's

I luv the post though and hope it continues


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