I recommend a different approach. I think it's better to create a table for the entire template defined portion of the description section and use the picture as background for the table.
<table width="100%" background="http://name goes here"><tr><td>
--template code here--
eBay's code editor tends to strip the <HTML> <HEAD> and <BODY> tags and any inclusive code. Auctiva's submissions do retain the tags, but any use of eBay's revision editor strips them. Very annoying.

Also, using the "BODY" for background is an important eBay policy technical violation, as eBay forbids placing backgrounds or modifying the look of the listing outside the designated description section. This may become even more important with their new listing design and "safe code" zone.
Edit: Sorry got interupted in the middle of typing and goofed the code. There is a method to fix the background with styles.