Auctions that already have bids on them can not be revised. That includes having access to manally insert the new photos image url and also changing the html in the descriptions for the descrption photo. I have auctions which have only one bidder at the low starting price. The management here is not giving us any indication of when the black out will end. That is bad business alright.
We had the same thought about management not clueing us in to the facts. I can only imagine how many others are upset by this and wondering the same thing.
We had the same thought about management not clueing us in to the facts. I can only imagine how many others are upset by this and wondering the same thing.
I'm sure that the fact that this happened on 10-cent listing day is just a tragic coincidence. I assume that this is the big server change. What ticks me off is that there hasn't been one official word about what's happening and when (or if) it will be corrected. I can deal with posting stuff the old way -- after all it is a free service. What bothers me is the images that have disappeared from listings that will close today.
C'mon, tell us what's going on, please!
C'mon, tell us what's going on, please!
[edited to remove advert for another service - don't do that again]
GeneInTexas ... that is what I did and using for the time being.
From what I've seen, I wouldn't try AOL's image hosting. Some sellers that I see using that have images that load very solowly or not at all, so it's no better than what we have here. Damned irresposible to just leave us all hanging like this, without a word, apology, kiss my a** or nothing. Is this great improved service going to compensate everyone who is losing money due to pictures not being displayed on auction items that are ending? We'll probably just get another email from them in the next day or so, saying how many improvements they made, and how happy everyone is. Like when the commies still ran the Soviet Union. That system bit the big one, too - yet they kept telling people every day about how great everything was, and how happy they should be. On a bigger level to be sure, but the exact same kind of mismanagement and ignoring of facts. Like I said, this idea has great potential - how about turning it over to someone who will DO something good with it? And where's that improved support they sent us all emails about?
Three thoughts:
1) Keep an eye on the News section of these forums.
2) The major issues with the site are claimed to be bandwidth issues -- which means deleting unnecessary images won't help.
3) It's been said many times on this message board that they're moving their servers to a co-location that can meet the company's needs and that this is supposed to happen towards the end of this week.
1) Keep an eye on the News section of these forums.
2) The major issues with the site are claimed to be bandwidth issues -- which means deleting unnecessary images won't help.
3) It's been said many times on this message board that they're moving their servers to a co-location that can meet the company's needs and that this is supposed to happen towards the end of this week.
I am a bit dissappointed that no one has aknowledged that there is a problem or has advised us when if how it will be fixed.
In desperation I went ahead a revised some of my auctions that were ending in less than23 hrs, but more than 12 hours and made them into 10 day listings. The ones that are ending this afternoon I figure i can't do much about.
But I agree we should all have a back up plan- which sadly I dont have so....A hunting for a back-up-plan I shall go....
In desperation I went ahead a revised some of my auctions that were ending in less than23 hrs, but more than 12 hours and made them into 10 day listings. The ones that are ending this afternoon I figure i can't do much about.
But I agree we should all have a back up plan- which sadly I dont have so....A hunting for a back-up-plan I shall go....
Hello fellow sellers...
Check your listings ~ Mine are back ~
Check your listings ~ Mine are back ~
Well I must admit that I only visit the boards when there is a problem- and I should like suggested "keep an eye" on them- that way I am prepared & aware. couldn't seem/ cant find where auctiva staff has warned- advised or commented on them being down. Am I overlooking a post?
No, the staff is simply ignoring all the posts.
quote:Originally posted by maxcat:
Hello fellow sellers...
Check your listings ~ Mine are back ~
This email is to let you know that on 2/28/2006 we've replied to your support case inquiry.
Comment :
This issue has been resolved as of 10 AM PST. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you,
Auctiva Support
The apology and a handful of money would resolve the issue - as in all of the money people lost from the service ONCE AGAIN going down, and nobody even saying a word or deeming it necessary to alert us or give us any clue as to what was going on. Yeah - great support - thanks for the email you sent us about your improved support.
I only filed a support case an hour ago, but mine aren't back
FYI, maybe I am one of the lucky ones, but my auction pics have been working for about the last 30minutes. But it was indeed a very frustrating morning.
Mine are back! Off to list! 

I honestly think they have to go in and manually restore each and everyone of our accounts.
The one account I used to file the support case is up and running the other account is still without pictures so I just filed.
i strongly suggest that if you have not filed a support case then do so ASAP
The one account I used to file the support case is up and running the other account is still without pictures so I just filed.
i strongly suggest that if you have not filed a support case then do so ASAP

quote:Originally posted by becki t:
Well I must admit that I only visit the boards when there is a problem- and I should like suggested "keep an eye" on them- that way I am prepared & aware. couldn't seem/ cant find where auctiva staff has warned- advised or commented on them being down. Am I overlooking a post?
Well, it's been referenced quite a bit but in the News section you should find a posting of the press release about Herakles, the new co-location where they're moving the servers. This is supposed to fix the bandwidth problem we've (we as in we users) been suffering with lately and is supposed to take place towards the end of this week.
Hi all,
We had an image server crash in the middle of last night and we've been working since then to correct all the image availability problems caused by this.
Images should be back up for almost all users now, and for those users whose images are still not up, they should become available in the next few hours.
Sorry for not posting here until now...I had previously posted this info in the image hosting section.
We had an image server crash in the middle of last night and we've been working since then to correct all the image availability problems caused by this.
Images should be back up for almost all users now, and for those users whose images are still not up, they should become available in the next few hours.
Sorry for not posting here until now...I had previously posted this info in the image hosting section.
Now we are back to the scrolling screen not showing images issue. Any word there? thanks.
Now we are back to the scrolling screen not showing images issue. Any word there? thanks.
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