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I read a little yesterday but was side tracked and as Ms S says, didn't know where to jump in ( or was that someone else? Wink )
Yes this is epic in proportions. No point to it, that's kewl.
Wow a Dummie Guide for Seller Details and Profiles....very good idea. I admit I was lost when I started. The tutorial didn't cut it either. I used the tutorial literally when I started. Then I made about 10 masters, then I panicked and settle on "one". I have a mess out there, a conglomeration formats on about 150 listings......not all active but in limbo til I decide what to do.
Now I want a new store front. I am not sure how that will affect what I have out there already....or if it even will. So I go in circles.
I didn't see Jeff's addendum here, should I?
I see it's ok to just talk to myself here too.....this is good.
Are all you avid participants from England?
I am from Oregon! Pronounced Orygun!
If I were younger you could call me Miss, or Mrs. but I prefer neither nor any!
N is for Nena.
I have English ancestory....does that count? I love English humor.....altho I'm not good at it.
OK off to work now...I was HERE!
No way to preview post on here huh? hmmm....I'm still waiting to see why I can't use FF on the community forum......would help with spelling.
Hi from the UK Nena, Pete and I seem to be the only Brit's on the epic-thread although I staunchly refer to myself as English rather than British !

Nearly 9pm here I uusally catch the US contigent on their way to work and if I am up late enough or earlier enough in the morning here I can catch the US 'night shift' threaders.

I am sure the others will say hello shortly, Choo Smile
QUOTE -- anything you say will be taken down and used in evidence .. "Knickers",

Choo, that must be a British thing. Never heard of it Confused

OK now I'm trying to aim my x-ray eyes over toward Germany to see what's goin on over there..

Did Pete really take the Tardis??
Is he really in Chicago, spying on yours truly?
Is he trying to steal Taz's fuzzy slippers???

Hmmm...what's he up to over there?? Big Grin Eek
Well Miss M I certainly do not want boxers with a free gift inside. Pete PLEASE send my free gift to the DSG!
Work is going OK getting ready to give my notice and proceed to the next job. Went for my pre-employment physical and screening today, had to drink almost 1 gallon of water while there to fill my lemonade cup! Sat in the screening room from 1:30 to 3:15 before I could make lemonade!Had to be at work at 4 and it is a 30 minute commute and I had to go home to get ready! Needless to say today was a call in to work with a dead battery day! Better late than never!
This new job is a really great job but I am not enamored by the thought of working swing shift! One week of each 1st, 2nd, 3rd on a rotating basis!
YAY Taz, glad you got the job!!!!!
Does this mean I won't be getting any more free pretzels ?? Wink
Whatcha going to be doing if I may ask? I always wanted to work in the morgue, but don't have the right license (Yeah, I'm definitely a darksider) Big Grin And no more school for me, yuck!
Swing shift is a major drag, but if you like the job it'll be ok. I do it sometimes too, just not that often .. you know how I love my 2nd shift Smile
The company I am going to work for is a well established company with offices all across the US and also in Australia and China. They branched out into a coal mining branch which makes a resin for setting mine supports.
This particular branch has been in existence for about 3 years and has 5 US locations with a 6th opening soon.
Basically a ground floor opportunity with plenty of advancement potential.

Hoping to be able to use my degree in computer networking and my experience with upgrades and repairs to advance quickly.
I always wanted to work in the morgue, but don't have the right license
Use to date a girl whose father was a mortician! 16 year olds with wild hormones running around in a mortuary is a scary thought!
Yup sorry no more free pretzels!
BTW, are some of these questions here getting goofier, or is it just me? It seems like a rash of really bogus questions or something
I was just getting ready to ask the same thing!
One unanswered question on the board is actually viable but the other one is so out in left field I think the fish is drowning and flailing about!
Sorry Taz, had to get an email off to someone, didn't mean to ignore you. (Choo on the other hand, I will ignore) Big Grin Kidding!!

Sweet tomorrow Smile

Whoa, hold on a minute...did you say 'sugar plums' ?? Not exactly in keeping with my vision of you Big Grin Big Grin

EDIT - sounds kind of Christmassy doesn't it? 'Vision' and 'sugar plum' ?? Ummm I think it's time I turned out the lights too Eek

Pardon my lack of manners N - welcome!!
Last edited by member8880
Hi Ms M, got me all confused now with your swift edit, 2AM on the e-mail notification of this text and 3AM when I look here, oh, well, it's afternoon here about 3:30 pm, dull and almost sunset.

Better where you are or just another grey'un ?

frantic eidt, that might explain it if taz is another zone westward, spelling chucker, duff !
Hey Choo (c'mon, tell me your real name,,,you can find a way) Wink

Yep, I edited my time (it WAS 3 AM, see I'm still tired) after looking on a map, Taz IS in another zone (isn't he tho Smile hi Taz) he's an hour ahead of me.

We actually have sun today..makes the 2 tons of snow and freezing cold seem so much better Frown

I thought it was always gray in England???
"I thought it was always gray in England???"

Not all the time, just seems like it at times, certainly isn't white, we rarely get much snow around London these days or rather years, when we do no one expects it and an inch or two causes chaos.

Keep snow for the leisure pursuits and Christmas cards, and have I a name, yes, judging by someone I tried to help yesterday on another thread not a very good one, but that's their problem.

Temperatures generally between about 5 and 10deg C here during the day, that's rather warm for us normally expect hovering around freezing.

Still February to come that's usua;;y the worst time for the cold here.

This is getting rather sensible feel the urge to again backwards write Big Grin
Don't you dare!! NO writing backwards! My brain is too tired to read anything right now..Frown

I'm just going to keep bugging thr carp out of you for your name Big Grin Check my BC link for a hint to let me know....I promise to keep it to myself Razz'd be surprised at all the 'real names' I know but I'll never tell Wink

EDIT - we really DO need a lunacy button somewhere.......

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