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Miss S,Gotta wait till the weekend to try to invent those new pretzels. Frown My sweetie went to Pittsburgh for the week.
Choo it is way past dawn here stateside. Surely the sparks should be flying by now?
Awful lot of train traffic here today. Popular icon all of a sudden.
Jeff S just throwing up a smokescreen to confuse Poor Ole Choo
Hey Choo, I thought it was to get on board... help ya build steam. Big Grin And to confuse Jeff. Smile
Taz, what are you up to there!? Pickin' on Choo like that! Shame on you!! Bad Taz! Bad!! Bad! Red Face
And I thought you came over to the dark side!! Frown

Where IS Miss M? Get over here girlie! We need to do some serious whackin'!! Whack some sense into Taz till his honey gets back. He's runnin' amuck!! Eek

!oohC !oohC ,kcalc ytikcilc ,kcalc ytikcilc...
a smokescreen to confuse Poor Ole Choo

~And that's pretty easy to do (running away now before I get a whackin) Big Grin Big Grin

Choo, I forgot to tell you, I borrowed the DeLorean and you're not getting it back Smile

Poor Jeff..see what we made him do Frown Don't worry Jeff, I'll change mine back soon. It's gettin too hard to tell who wrote what.

Big HI to everybody else Smile
It's gettin too hard to tell who wrote what.

Isn't that the point? Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
I dibs th' DeLorean next!

Strange goin's on around this here thread!

What's gonna happen with th' engine avi's? Are you guys done? Surely there's more to it than this! Peeps have TICKETS for goodness' sake! Eek
Did I sleep too long? What'd I miss?? What time zone is this?
I wondered which dawn sparks will fly.
It dawns on me...
This train jus' does Not fit my persona! Wink

!oohC !oohC ,kcalc ytikcilc ,kcalc ytikcilc...
Sure you can have the DeLorean next..gotta keep it away from Choo as long as possible, since he won't tell me his name

Right then Ms M I will upgrade your ticket to VIP* class and give you the front row seat on the train wreck of the year, that is on the cow-catcher Wink

Then you can use your x-ray eyes to derail JeffS before impact as you will have a vested interest, as I said may the most devious driver win, he, he, where's Muttley got to ... Big Grin

I hope catering will be supplying enough cookies, pretzels and rats for the viewers gastronomic delight.

*(Very Irritating Persons)
That other train image was too small. This one's better. I remember when I took this shot ten years ago. That engine barreled by at 70mph and the earth shook as it went by. Awesome. I was about 10 feet to the side of the tracks, still camera on one tripod, video camera on another. If your browser supports right click->view image (Firefox does) you can get a better look at the larger original.
Wow, JeffS why on earth did you use off-the-shelf avatar pic when you have your own great picture like that, have enlarged it up to take a closer look.

With such a shine to the paintwork suggests its a preserved engine working a mainline special, right ?

Choo..don't think I didn't see that

Ah Ms M not ignoring me all the time then Wink
Just popping in to say Hi all. Miss S
Taz, what are you up to there!? Pickin' on Choo like that! Shame on you!! Bad Taz! Bad!! Bad! Red Face
And I thought you came over to the dark side!!

I was a covert OPS spy and really just came for the cookies but never got any cookies anyway. Ninth got all da cookies Mad
Miss M when do I get the Delorean?
JeffS great photo! My area has a K-4 getting restored right now. It has been in Scranton for sometime and Altoona is getting upset that things are moving so slowly.
Welcome to the madness Thurston!
Taz & Choo - Thanks for the welcome. I'll be here more often now that I know that the club isn't that exclusive.

member_8880 - Thanks for using the site. Hang in there - I have over 1000 little pics on my desktop being sorted for upload in the next week or so. It gets nothin' but better...

BTW - do you have to host the pictures here to use them on the board? I've tried the links at Emotipics put haven't yet been able to make them work.

When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. - Raoul Duke

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