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Ahh, as I commented yesterday about the charm of Ms M "Well we know he has problems" Roll Eyes

And the wit (and smelling) of Ms M :-

"He probably eas expexting to get it back in one piece Not gonna happen Choo!"

Ms M answers my other question, Taz's garbage compacter is to be used to repair the DeLorean Roll Eyes

And not forgetting the frozen rat cudgel :-

"That way you can make sure you don't get a whackin."

On the day of reckoning Ms M will have a book of her own Razz
drink it warm don't you?

Yep, thick, dark and warm, not like fizzy fly p**, (no offence to our MIA spider and fly) Wink

Particularly to the spider last seen speeding west on a cow catcher to spider-heaven, ninth fly has not come to rescue his spider ? Frown

Now Ms N catch up please, the DeLorean is as real as our imagination, and we are only using that because Pete waltzed off to Germany with the Tardis and left us stranded in the 21st century. Clear ? Big Grin
Why don't any one read the manual, whoops mustn't get Taz going again, you didn't read that Taz, ok

Well Choo I captured a few little birdies for special occasions such as this. Time for there maiden voyage. Going to send them overseas
All in good fun of course lest anyone gets the wrong idea! just got a call from Magoo's have to go to work. have a good un all
Believe she and Miss S were going to do the Thelma and Louise thing and drive it over a cliff!

Miss S do you see this! Aarrgghh Roll Eyes
Men are SO annoying Big Grin (Yeah, like we're not)
Actually we're gonna do the Thelma & Louise thing WITHOUT the driving off a cliff part...we're gonna stop at Taz's, pick up the pieces of the DeLorean, and go deliver it to Choo. OOps can't forget Pete - we'll need to pick up some boxers for him as long as we're there. Or maybe a thong, whatcha think? Eek

Sorry N, no car for you..Taz will have it in little pieces by then Wink
I thought he'd be back by now ?? And what do you mean 'no comment'? You always have a comment Big Grin I'm gonna get Pete about 10 pair of these, all in different neon colors.

Haven't seen much of ninth lately around here either...he's probably waiting for more cookies from ya Smile

OK so you have the DeLorean now, Taz gets it next. And Choo never gets it back Big Grin
'Coz I have to wonder about anyone who would drink their beer warm..ewww Razz Ice cold for me even in ice cold weather Smile
Miss M. what are you trying to do, get us all sick?! That pic is an abomination of the highest order, an obscenity beyond comprehension, a massive assault upon our sensibilities. Eek

As for Miss S., you are quite correct, I do love to torture my tricky little spyder, and do so at every opportunity. That's what she gets for fooling me into her web. Don't worry my little arachnid, your fly will rescue you soon! I only have to figure out which of the 1000 images of you is the REAL you! I only have 999 more tries. Hang-on, almost there! Eek
Miss M, I missed your previous post. My eyes are in such shock, I can hardly see!! Eek
You'd think these guys surely know by now we've got more sense than to drive off a cliff. hmmmm I did fall into Choo's trap and have myself stuck on the cattle guard though. Roll Eyes I guess you know what that means! Wink

When I get rescued from here, I say we head out Mexico way First. No, now... I insist! Big Grin

Too racey a group, Ms N? Surely you jest! I didn't even notice th' hat. It's the shoes that got my giggle box goin'!

edit: I knew my li'l fly hero would be here to save me!
Here I am... over here... barely hangin' on!!!
What's the matter ninth? You don't think those are the sexiest underwear you've ever seen? (I thought those were the kind YOU wear) Big Grin Big Grin

Oh boy, I'm gonna be in for it now Eek
Help Miss S! Should I delete the picture?? Is it that bad?

This was one of those "crate of kleenex" pictures...someone at work had the bright idea to show this to me took me quite awhile to pull myself together Big Grin

Miss S..what is cattle guard?????

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