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Originally posted by member_8880:
hadn't noticed it before, so wasn't ignoring you, really!

Oh sure, that's what they all say Frown

You really HAVE been busy not to even check your mail. Hmmmmm...Choo was going to start a poll (I think it was Choo??) about what you've been up to all this time. Might be interesting Big Grin

Zebra is relatively new to our name change.

BTW, who's Roy????? Confused

Sorry Susanne, I really didn't see it. The email account I have linked to eBay is one I only check now and again, so I didn't see it until I was able to sit down at my PC for a while. Nothing sinister or funny about why I have not been around (unfortunately), just sheer pressure of work. There's been some big things going on, and I have had to be involved a lot.

As for Roy, oooops, but I thought that was what we ended up deciding was Ninth's real name? Or is my memory playing up (not unusual) - I can't go back through 136 pages to check! Big Grin
Now see there Ninth.... that's what I'm talking about. Poly-entendres are everywhere!

H_A is clearly proffering implication by reference to the issue of uncertainty attending the
ubiquitous Votomatic recorder...
but how many folks also catch the subtle ambiguity of meaning reflected with the use of
the participle "hanging" as a "dangling" modifier? Roll Eyes

And since Choo so gracefully alluded to my own habit of "backside-talking" (pg.132)...
I'm at liberty to point out that only an 'Elite' Englishman might relate to a Giant sense of smell. Roll Eyes Wink
Isn't that right Jack?.... (or is it Blunderbore? Eek Big Grin )

Oh well... the drawing of distinctions when walking the razor's edge of Acute Scrutiny...
... is perhaps the daunting plight of all frenetic Zebras.

Not to worry H_A....
If no one has already done so... I will admonish you to maintain a strong and tenacious
sense of humor while traipsing in these parts. Big Grin Big Grin -- Welcome!
oh..and BtW... Semper Fi !!

Zeb Wink Big Grin Cool

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