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do we want to let the ninth wave go now?

who ever would suggest that? Shame on you Choo/chew.
Glad to hear the vampire lady is gonna get a new chance at the victims....
Yo Taz, glad to see ya around-do ya ever get tired of jumping?...ok where are the rest???
I can just imagine that zeb coming in and tromping all over and eating all my flowers abloomin' above.....and then no doubt will fertilize the whole area.....more than he can eat.
Hi Miss M. the benefit is still in the planning stages and hopefully will be held May 25th,the Sunday before Memorial Day so should have a great turnout for it. I never realized how much work planning and organizing something like this is!

I should have remembered that you are a phlebotomist after we threatened Choo with Nurse Wanda!
Glad to hear that your hospital may stay open.
Best of luck with that.

No N I never get tired of jumping (Spinning) around the Taz moniker fits me well. I am not one to stay in one place and not do anything. ADHD!
I got my nickname in grade school many years before ADD was a widely diagnosed problem.
Last edited by tazfrompa
Hi everybody,
Taz, that should give you plenty of time to plan an awesome benefit. Best of luck, I just know it will be successful.

As for me things are still pretty much up in the air, we're proceeding with plans to close, tho negotiations are still going on. Very stressful.

Anyhoo, I'm watching a DR WHO Marathon right now (YAY) which reminded me of Pete and his Tardis. Wonder where he's been off too??

And Choo, Taz, me, and evil Nurse Wanda are waiting for you.....come on out......
Ahhhh... that's better now. Ok, we're back online now. Whew!..when the wind blows here it's very difficult to keep a decent signal long enough to even complete a post transmission. And all of a sudden, it started blowing like stink outside late this afternoon.

Well I probably missed everyone by now. Maybe somebody will show up around midnight. Who knows?

Ok.. N..?
A.Choo is silly enough to funny my tickle-bone. But you're gonna' have to help me out after that.

just what exactly WHAT am I supposed to do with " ..Yep,We A. Choo, Who. Knew, Any. Hoo, Don't. Know. Who, Thought. He. Knew, Boo. Boo, Confused Roll Eyes
Heck that's enough to confuse a flock of Mockingbirds at an out of control New Year's Party.

??? My very best guess is perhaps a Chinese tongue-twister puzzle for Hoot-Owls...maybe?? Eek
Or are you trying to resurrect and re-use that prehistoric keyboard I caught Taz chewing on a few months ago! Razz Big Grin

Oh well...I'll bet everybody has probably already gone on to sleep by now.
I think I'm starting to hear that empty echo Missy was talking about before.
(OK I'll talk like a Texan for ya) Smile

Y'ALL KNOW I never sleep...just rest in my coffin...and I'm beginning to suspect that A.Choo (thank you N) has a coffin as well. Eek

""One thing's for sure! He seems to go to bed a lot don't ya' think?""

Oh yes indeedy! I think he's actually a Fangman...either that or you're right Zeb, and he's Rip Van Winkle. I think he's OLD enough to be RVW, right Choo?? Razz I'm gonna get it for that one but it's worth it Cool

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