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Hair woman of the apocalypse??????????
Now you're just getting goofy Big Grin (But we already KNEW that)

C'mon, admit it...that is a gorgeous picture of me..Any guy in his right mind would LOVE to meet me (only not in a dark alley) Big Grin Eek

I thought I had a really handsome picture of YOU somewhere, I'll have to go find it...

(I love Taz's little devil that I stole..I don't think he'd mind) Smile
Any guy in his right mind would LOVE to meet me

H'mmm possible replies to this :-

1) You're typing is terrible, let me correct it :-
"Any guy in his right out of his mind would LOVE to meet me"

2) In practice any man when confronted by "C'mon, admit it...that is a gorgeous picture of me" has to nod, smile and inch away slowly and go tee-total before he chats up another woman/transvestite who looks like that.

Not sure which is the better, and wouldn't a dark alley be preferable Eek
I thought they were mean-tempered after Taz kicked them out of his bar but you should see them now ... Eek

Good, the worse their temper the more it clouds their judgement and reactions, they are cat food, just ordering the tins and getting the labels printed now.

I interrupt the lunacy for a commercial break :-

Sales on the UK site Specialist Auctions are better than I had in a greedbay store which does not say much. I really do not believe these other sites are going to mop up, there is very little evidence in the media here (UK) advertising their presence. Basically it looks to me they are going to miss out on a golden opportunity to expand. The Powersellers Unite website listing charts should be worth watching during the next few months

So I do not envisage doing much with other sites yet as they appear worse, I think I will spend some time trying to blog and traffic drive to the UK site I am with and drop certain sales from greedbay altogether for a few months and see what happens.

I have been busy selling off my more collectible wares on greedbay to minimise potential feedback problems due to e-yobs and e-vandals which is likely to start shortly. Some buyers seem to be getting tardy in paying already.

I am continuing to finish up my selling which tends to be autumn to spring seasonal then having a break which means having a little more time to play here as well.

Any joy for you with alternative sites ?

Normal lunacy will be resumed - shortly !!

edit - P.S. look forward to Auctiva's e-commerce store later this year as a serious alternative to greedbay. They have a least a higher profile than most in my view due to their greedbay services.
No, no joy for me either on alternative sites...waste of time really. I had listings on iOffer and Bidville forever with very little interest (I actually forgot about them). So I ended them, moved them to Ebay and WAM...sold for way more than I expected within a week. Sigh* I guess Ebay is the only place for me (other than my coffin)Smile

My heavy selling season is March thru August, then again November thru January, and I'm doing pretty well but dayum those invoiced are high! I think we'll all be MUCH happier when the Auctiva free standing stores are available.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled

(I sure wish this button worked Big Grin
OK Miss M I leave for a week and you try to bring the Cuban national immigrants back? And threatening poor Choo! For shame Miss M I do believe you may have been hijacked by Igor?
And to think you are blaming all the damage to the Delorean on those poor transgendered individuals

Well I must say I have to put my foot down firmly for this one!

URM! Excuse me whilst I put my footwear on!
HI TAZ!!!!

Geez where ya been Smile How's everything goin? You've left me all alone with Choo which is too scary for me Wink So how did the benefit go? Tell us all about it. Hey, I don't think I see steel toes in those slippers Mister!

With everyone gone Frown I have no choice but to pick on him (you don't mind tho, do ya Choo) Razz

skeddadled = funny word
Yep I skeddadled for awhile but you know I always come back...whether ya want me to or not Big Grin

I can't believe our thread is 5 months old...

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