Epic thread rules - just !
Still in the top 5 of the lounge after 6 months now just lacking the lunatic fringe who got it going last December, all very busy off greedbay and Auctiva at present. The volume of replies and views are still probably the highest around here.
This thread grows and flowers during the darker months and takes a rest during the summer months, tended by the FangMother and myself with moments to spare like the faithful old gardeners of an estate garden.
Well., oil jus' go an watter the ol' dandelions and and pull up der' roses, errrrm, or is it the uvver way aroun'.
Jus' found out oi can be considered antique if oi reach 60, co'r, luv a duck, and for FangMother, a special message to give 'er an 'eadache . . .
! naiga yvval edistuo eht ni gnidih uoy erA

Edited by dis ol' duffer to correct views/reply wordy bits, really must take me memory pills before I forget where I keep 'em, oh dear, too late . . .