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What have you done to yourself?
Nothing, well except spruce myself up a bit with a touch of paint about 150 years ago, anyway don't need to change my name, everyone should have a hobby.

You see I am designed well for collecting up items to sell in a flea market like greedbay Big Grin

BTW, the missus is way too good for you
Too right, lucky me, don't know how she puts up with me so well especially when I get started on greedbay Wink
Well with such a damp, cloudy and dreary June onwards getting up at 6am in the morning is the best time to catch some sunlight before it rises above the cloud line. Frown

I'd rather be up early in daylight than the darkness of late evening any day.

Just gone 7:35am here now, well Pete reckoned on being busy, anyway ol'gal isn't it about time you zimmered off to bed, heaven help your victims if you start jabbing them in the wrong places 'cause you are half asleep Eek
Of course I am, bad enough talking to myself without being here and typing to myself as well.

Oh well I'm just stopping by to say 'lo just like the weather all lows our second hot day in a month frequently cloudy and the perishing clouds leak as well.

So you are going swimming to be warm and dry then Confused

Me missuses makes sure I behave myself in public, but not in private Wink
I don't even know what to say to that

Corr, well what if I said that 3 was to match your 3 days and in fact it is more like over 4 decades since I scared the life out of myself at a school swimming lesson before I reached my teens ?

Haven't been able to step foot in a swimming pool or go near a steep waters edge since !

Last time I went to a local pool with my wife to pickup up our lad (some 6 years ago) I could not even enter the hall where the pool was, I just froze at the doors.

Would love to have been able to swim but I was nervous enough before going for swimming lessons but one short panic underwater due to a collision with another kid terrified me. Despite that I weent back the next week determined to not let it put me off but I could not get in any further than knee deep, that's life, obviously wasn't for me Smile
Well my big cats will charm your dogs and devour your BIN bandits, they are partial to oriental cuisine and what they don't like they bury, they're tidy pussy cats Smile

Well another day of showers, the garden is a slime bath where I have been trying to landscape it, or rather rearrange the clay into something grass can grow on and a mower can trim withoutout scalping the lumps.

Must be the dampest and grottiest summer for a long time after a few above average days in spring and early summer.

Can't even come up with some decent lunacy here, come on folks pop in and drop a bombshell or two to liven this thread up a bit more Cool

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