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Wow! You folks have been busy while I was gone! Big Grin Next stop, 2,500 views!

Hey Sid, nice to meet you!

Shirley, sorry to hear about your woes, I hope it's all sorted for you now? Frown

I read all the posts, hoping you would come up with a fitting 'S' name for me, like Sexy Pete, or Suave pete, or Super Pete. What did I get? Saint Pete Roll Eyes Not sure I've ever done anything saintly! Big Grin

OK, off again now, not sure if I'll be back on over the weekend, but I'll try. See y'all!
Alright I kind of caught up on this thread, however it does appear a few posts were deleted? I suppose to keep this at a PG-13 level?
Y'all were certainly busy last night while I was out socializing!
Evidently you guys were thread jumping last night so I guess I will have to read the boards?
Still at a loss for the "eBay playground"
Sorry for the Saint Peter, Pete but I went with my first thought!
Pete 'minx' is kind of funny too!
Nah, in these parts (at least my part) Slick can have any connotation you want it to....depending on the tone of voice.
I meant it in the best possible way (fingers crossed behind my back) Big Grin
You can flirt with me all you want but I won't be back here til late work today.
Hi Taz...TTY all later Smile

1 more edit--sorry to hear the little one isn't feeling good either..that means you're probably next Frown
Oh no! It's been almost 8 hours since this thread's been posted to. We can't have that! Eek

Yes, Taz, this is the one and same playground giving me all the grief. I can get in a little faster, which sure isn't saying much. lol I had a long ole run-on sentence that got deleted on here about it. I think I hit the mousepad somehow and it does that. Confused Maybe later I'll do it again.

Sue, I hope your first day back went well and you had a fun happy day at work! Wink

Pete, I haven't thought of what I want to suggest yet. Are we in a hurry or do I have more time to keep thinking about it? Smile
Meant to ask how's your OH and son? Sending positive thoughts. Hope they're weell fast!

Ninth, can you come out and play? Betcha can't find me! Cool

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