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Hi Jeff, good of you to drop in and nudge it up the charts again, well what with holidays, and some working multiple shifts and selling in a summer/part recessional lull it was only to be expected.

This ol' thread ain't finished yet, Ms M and I are it's guardians !! Roll Eyes

Still the view count continues to creep up despite the lack of lunacy at present, then again online selling isn't that hot at the moment either, just like the weather.

Mind you I am getting good out of season sales on the SpecialistAuctions site so much so that I doubt I wil move my magaazine and books sales back to greedbay, but certainly watching for Auctiva's alternative.

So, running out of steam ? Well the tender is a bit low on coal and water, but the fire still glows, very soon we will get steam pressure up and start pounding the metals again, and anyone else daft as us to get involved in this lounge thread or is it a rope ? Smile
Summer has been good for me but it seems to be over now Frown Last week sales really tanked so I'm done for now, at least for a month or so. Then I can start up with fall/winter stuff (if I can ever find any time to take pics) Frown

So Jeff, you're still reading our nonsense huh? Wink Glad you joined us, if even for a little while.

Choo--if his room is THAT bad, keep the need it more than I do Razz
Hey ChooChoo, going back to my avatar picture, C&O 614, if you want to see a wonderful video of this fabulous engine at 70mph, check this out:

I just came upon it on YouTube looking up something else In fact, there a re a number of vids, but this is a particularly good on at high speed This is similar to the speed of when I snapped that pic at left Its been over 10 years since these trips, time goes by fast. That's what railroading was once all about!

Another good one, taken a few miles from where I took my still photo. Great pacing footage.
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
Pretty impressive videos, steam rules, when it comes to putting on a spirited show Smile

There are just so many outstanding videos of these trips 10 years ago, I can't get over it.

Take a look at this one:

While it's 7 minutes long, and worth watching every minutes (some great pacing shots), the first 90 seconds says it all!

What a shame this engine is now sidelined, and essentially rusting away. I don't even know who owns it now. I do know it needs major restoration again, and is out of certification. It can no longer be steamed.
Originally posted by JeffS:
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
Pretty impressive videos, steam rules, when it comes to putting on a spirited show Smile

There are just so many outstanding videos of these trips 10 years ago, I can't get over it.

Take a look at this one:

While it's 7 minutes long, and worth watching every minute (some great pacing shots), the first 90 seconds says it all!

What a shame this engine is now sidelined, and essentially rusting away. I don't even know who owns it now. I do know it needs major restoration again, and is out of certification. It can no longer be steamed.
Originally posted by JeffS:
Originally posted by JeffS:
Originally posted by ChooChooGuy:
Pretty impressive videos, steam rules, when it comes to putting on a spirited show Smile

There are just so many outstanding videos of these trips 10 years ago, I can't get over it.

Take a look at this one:

While it's 7 minutes long, and worth watching every minute (some great pacing shots), the first 90 seconds says it all! A cold day and the steam condensing from the stack.

What a shame this engine is now sidelined, and essentially rusting away. I don't even know who owns it now. I do know it needs major restoration again, and is out of certification. It can no longer be steamed.
Awesome vids, Jeff. I think everyone likes trains. The hospital I work at is 103 years old and was built behind a huge trainyard. No steam engines anymore, but plenty of freight and commuter trains still carrying on. The noise is deafening at times but no one ever seems to mind Smile The patients say they actually like the sound of the train whistles at night.

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