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Hellow all of the Ninth Wave! I have been keeping up sorta with the email notifier....but have not been posting. But I know this is still alive.
I only see a couple of people posting now. AND what is this about TAZ???? omgoodness!
Fangmother, how is work? It's been so long since I heard if they were taking away your jabbing ability....I hope you retained it.
Never see Zeb or lots of others....
I see the thread exists that's what's important I guess; now I must change that from seeing it to actually visiting it.
Choo is still alive and well I see, but everyone is is very spotty, do we have a leopard around?
Been having huge probs with categories..then I couldn't log into here for about 3 weeks....but now I believe all is well.
My store is growing tho. Have 90 some items now, but very little the store will remain for a while! Which means so will I! Big Grin
Hi N good to hear from you, so
everyone is is very spotty

Well that's the problem mixing with strange threaders, don't know what contagious disease you can catch, anything from the 'rambles' to 'verbal diahorea'to the 'screaming ab dabs' we've had it all in here Eek

At least you knocked this thread onto its 153rd page Smile

I only list to order on greedbay for some items now, I prefer to sell things like magazine items on Specialist Auctions at this time much more cost effective even with a low sale rate.

Greedbay is so complicated and anti-small seller these days I can hardly be bothered to sell on it now, I live in hope that the stand alone Auctiva store will be a success so I can use their tools again. Cool
I'm kind of surprised the login problem isn't resolved yet Confused
I guess they just don't like ya Wink
So are we going to be able to see your Auctiva store? Seriously, my other half (notice I didn't say 'better', hehehe) would probably be interested in some of your stuff. OOOOO That would mean your DSRs would be at my mercy Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I'm just kiddin ya about that.....
Well well well....look what the cat dragged in Big Grin How ya been Pete? We missed ya! Don't let Choo bother ya, he's getting real crabby in his old age Razz Razz

Don't think we were ignoring you...look at the dates on our posts. Few and far between. But I guess our thread will make it til X-Mas after all, one whole year Smile Glad to see you back. Have you actually read any of the recent posts on this thread? LOL.... Not much is new.

And where's my Tardis? Frown
Hi Choo, delighted to see you missed me! Big Grin

Hey Susanne, I'm OK thanks, hope you are too? I decided to change my avatar, and as I enjoyed the Horton Hears a Who film, I pinched an image from that Wink Who knows, I may put the Tardis back one day.

So, how's business, been selling much?

PS - If you like Doctor Who, look in my store!

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