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Oh well makes a change for the US greedbayers to get a downgrade thrust on them before everyone else.

I see the same old My greedbay page and editor via or .com so perhaps we are spared for a while Roll Eyes

Nevermind takes your mind off of constructive things like selling items Wink

Not sure when I will list again on greedbay as my sales are ramping up well on Specialist Auctions with minimal fees, a lot of buyers arrive via Google searches.

And of course Auctiva eCommerce isn't available here yet Frown
Yikes, our thread is getting buried again...thought I'd better stop in & say hello Smile

Glad your sales are doing well Choo. I keep saying I'm gonna stop selling here but I always end up with so much inventory (can't resist a bargain) I pretty much HAVE to sell here if only to free up some space.

So what's new? Still planning the attack of the killer tomatoes? Eek Eek Eek

Oh, and can't forget these... Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Yep can't leave the lounge for 5 minutes (or was it days) without this thread slipping down the charts, still top of the league for replies and views though Cool

I thought the killer toms had ketchuped with you and feasted well seeing as I have not heard from you lately.

Perhaps they don't like American snacks Razz

Well sales are good here as fixed price listings, but unfortunately auction sales are not feasible yet (need more buyers), still come on Auctiva eCommerce, don't want to have to send my other items to greedbay, yuk, Eek
Last edited by choochooguy
Hey Everyone is getting their site up and running,but I still do not have a invite. I have been waiting sent I had my beta back in November. I guess you had to be a powerseller to get on auctiva ecommerce. and don't tell me about how your not a powerseller cause all I see is big time sellers. So good bye to you all and I hope you have good luck. I will keep my ebay site and go some place else to start my off ebay site.
Hi, what on earth is a sensible posting doing on this thread Eek

Actually I will tell you I was not a powerseller on greedbay at the time of getting an invite but quite a regular poster and advocate of Auctiva Smile

But anyway I have to wait until Auctiva eCommerce becomes available here in the UK.

End of sensible transmission, we now return to the nonsense that this thread is based on.

The FangMother Vs the killer tomatoes, the story so far, errrmm .... oh so what Roll Eyes
From www dot thefreedictionary dot com/aggrieved

ag·grieved (-grvd)
1. Feeling distress or affliction.
2. Treated wrongly; offended.
3. Law Treated unjustly, as by denial of or infringement upon one's legal rights.


Just as well my coffin is 'connected', in other words they ain't appy Razz

P.S. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

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