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Poor Miss M left out in the cold! Sorry I was out for scoops and shants again tonight. The pool table was cold and the Fiancee even more so!
Oh well I have always been one to forge my own path!
Tis a shame but we have agreed and it does not suit us anymore! Frown Frown
Ex-hubby and kids I cannot compete, but on the bright side it means the second job is done!
Merry Christmas All and Happier Days in the New Year!
Edit: OMG Miss S way to go! That is a great Christmas present/surprise! Hope your good fortune continues into the next year!
Last edited by tazfrompa
My Mom(in law) said she threw a bunch away. She didn't take me seriously until I called her tonight and had her look. She about flipped! Darn, wish I could've seen her face! Big Grin

I still haven't thought of Pete's 'S' name. I like Sexy Pete. I like that word though, so I would. lol I dunno. I just figure it'll come to me... in a dream or something. Big Grin
Yeh, my oldest daughter's been having to deal with a virus going through their family all last week. Today's her first time out in a long time. They had a Christmas party tonight they went to without the kids. Yeah for her! I hate hearing about anyone sick during any holiday, especially now.

I'm glad you told me about it being slow posting. I thought maybe it's my computer and not just eBay's doings about the slow over there thing. lol

adding... about Mom, she said she has a 20s dress that was her Mom's when she was a teenager. She took it apart at the waist but it can easily be reattached and I can have it to fix it and sell if I want. It's black crushed velvet. Can't wait to see it. I'll be nervous about fixing it and may just have it professionally done instead of tackling it myself.

I sure am rambling on. lol
Can't believe nobody's around but us...It was kinda warm today (never a good sign in Chicago in Dec) so now we're having high winds and I think it's supposed to get real cold & dump alot of snow tomorrow..hate driving in that carp. So come on over & we'll have our snowball fight Smile
Normally hubby would be out on the bike with his buddies, even in the winter, but not tonite! Wish I lived somewhere warm Smile
Yeh, it's been really quiet here tonight. I'm glad the guys popped in to help me celebrate a little. lol
[edit] Oh, I meant to say about when you popped in from work. That is soooo sweet you did that! Thank you!

I think we get all kinds of weather here. We even have earthquakes sometimes. Thankfully I've never known it. I think that and hurricanes would be one of the scariest things ever. Tornadoes are aplenty here though.

The wind picked up a little while ago. It was bitter cold this morning with the North wind. Then it got nice and calm for the afternoon.

I love riding in the cold, getting all leathered up. I just love winter and layering with long johns and bundling up. I know... wierd. Big Grin
I know what you mean! I keep stuff forEVER and have finally stopped doing that. Now I wish I had all my clothes from my teen years and twenties! And my Mom's stuff. I'd be keeping that and wearing it myself though. lol
I just love all things vintage.

I can sew but it's been awhile and am just getting it all set back up (fairly recent move). I'd just feel better about having someone else do it though. Cooking.... love to. I'll cook while I'm there for our snowball fight. Smile

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