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Moms cousin covered the Nuremberg trials for the Stars and Stripes and if you Google Winthrop Fanning you will find this.
He was quite the character and he worked for the Pittsburgh Post Gazette as the TV critic. i have photos of him with quite a few movie stars and he actually had an " Audience " with the Queen of England! Yeah Pete how do you like me now! LOL
he had a nice collection of German stuff and also had about 40 years worth of old TV Guides that he had saved. When we moved him over here with us we THREW the old TV Guides in the trash! Wish I would have known about eBay then!
One more link from Wikipedia
Hey Taz! I had a great day, thank you! It's always so much fun to spend time with the grandkids. They're such a delight! Smile

I dunno, Miss M. Does he lurk and Sexy St Pete too? lol I think Pete's sleepin' now. ?? Hope your loved ones are better today, Pete.
Ninth, are you lurking out there, you pretty sweet fly? Wink

I wonder who said it won't last. Did anyone? I don't remember. lol
Hi gang - No I haven't been lurking, matter of fact I just got in from Christmas with my daughter, her mom (my X) and her grandmother. It was a very nice day, lots of presents and great food. I am so stuffed I can barely bend over to tie my shoes - all that turkey you know. I bought my daughter a ton of computer and video games, so she was in video game ecstasy. She's 16 and been playing them since she was 3, thanks to Dad. Anyway I caught up on the posts, and see we finally got a new poster. We could use a few more. Glad you all had a great day, keep it going. I'm wiped, so am away to bed, but will check in tomorrow. You're right Miss S, gmta - I really don't think the mistletoe will be necessary. Yes we know: 'GAR' (new net-lingo acronym)

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