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Long as you know, that's great with me. Yeh, I laugh to think of what goes through the lurkers' minds. Big Grin (that didn't sound like I meant without the smiley)

Why be different? That's a rhetorical question, yes? lol I think a spider and a fly, not just ANY spider and fly, mind you, IS different. Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin I like the idea of keepin' them dazed and Confused though you're probably right about not needing our help.

I'm still saving my bucks... For those beers. Wink Can't think of anything I'd rather spend it on. Smile
Last edited by shadeaux
At over 4000 views, there do seem to be quite a few 'interested' lurkers out there. Not sure I want to know everything they're thinking though.

By 'why be different', I meant 'why start making sense now' when half the posts haven't made sense up to now anyway. Of course I didn't mean OUR posts, which always make perfect sense, at least to us. Wink (In spite of the fact that we have walked such a thin line of self-imposed restraint) Hey 'innuendo r us', right Miss S? Oh those beers are yelling our names!
Happy Boxing Day to you too, now that I know what it is (after having to look it up). Wonder how Sexy Pete celebrates that day since it is a UK day? Maybe he can enlighten us when he is able to grace us with his presence. How come I never heard of Boxing Day? I feel so stupid! Frown (accompanied by a slap to the side of the head[not too hard though]) Thank you Miss S for furthering my education.
(remember he has a broken heart and is not quite right in the head yet) (actually he is quite right, madly flirting with two gorgeous ladies in the space of one page, how much more right can you get?)
OMG is that why they wanted to know if I could drive that fertilizer truck? And I thought it was just because they are an impoverished country and wanted to make me feel useful! HELP I need the Hotline for Suicide Prevention I am going to jump into a huge Spider Web and end all my suffering! Edit:: " Hidden Secret Squirrel POST" No-one read but Miss S!
You will catch me right?
NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULAR PROGRAM scheduled for THIS time frame!
Last edited by tazfrompa
Hi y'all Smile Stevie still improving, Sally not too good (was in tears this morning Frown ), and I am feeling lousy too (not sure if the jab has protected me or not, or if maybe I am getting something else Frown )

Anyway, Taz, no I haven't tried Byetta, that doesn't seem to be available on prescription over here I don't think. Those BG levels do sound scary! Eek And by the way, stop flirting with Susanne, I'm after her, you have a couple of 20 year old little sweeties to chase don't you? Wink

Susanne, those are YOUR eyes, aren't they?

OK, back off to do me nursing stuff again (just give me a big frock and a lamp, and call me Florence!)
Ok you asked for it.....
Hi Florence (see what you started now) Wink
I don't think those flu shots actually work. Well, they work but they just GIVE you the flu Big Grin You couldn't PAY me to get one, nuh-uh!

Sorry to hear everyone is still sick but there's alot of flu going around here too. Knock on wood (or Pete's head will do) I usually manage to avoid it...HATE getting sick.

Pete, those DO look very close to my own eyes, whick is why I like this avatar so much. Wish the rest of my face looked that good Big Grin

So Pete is after me????? Uh-oh, maybe Taz was right about 'group rates for GAR' GEEZ still laughing at that one!

Hope everyone has a great day!

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