Hey, Miss M. Yeh, been up since about 8:30. Choo, if it was p.m., would you say 21:... lol I know... j/k

Young un HAHA Young at heart... BTW, I love Laurel & Hardy. Yeh, I shoulda gotten it right away. Just dingy is all.

Pete, I think the aftermath is sometimes worse than the actual illness. My girls and I are havin' our Christmas this weekend. It won't hurt a thing to delay it a bit. The holidays tend to spread out over about a two week period for me. One of the reasons I cooked that turkey breast on Boxing Day.

Maybe ham while there... yummmm! And I KNOW some of her special buttermilk pie and the youngest makes a better cheesecake than mine. OMG I can't wait!!! lol