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Good morning and good grief all, 92 to mails relating to updates to this thread since I signed off last night. Eek

Just as well I am in a different time zone as I would not get anything done joining in with this wonderful madhouse of a thread. Smile

Regarding my name there's one for you, my ID here is different to my eBay ID because I prefer anonimity but my interests are definately railway orientated. Big Grin
Good morning.
It's great what Taz did! I can get all over the place now. I can even research and I could go shopping if I want. woohoo!

Sexy St Pete, how's everyone feeling? I hope you've gotten some rest and feel well. Smile

Choo, Charlie used to be my nickname. I think noone remembers it but me. How about ... I dunno... I'm stuck on Stanley. Big Grin Any hints?

Didn't recognize me huh? A spidey in hiding. I'm pretty much a nocturnal creature, so isn't that befitting? lol Wink Off to explore on eBay some more... at lightning speeds. lol Have a happy day all.
Hey there Miss S,
At least your name still starts with S Big Grin

How ya be today? Surprised your up as early as I am, but I guess 9:30 (or 0930 as Choo would say) isn't all that early.

I was shopping already this A.M.--more bigcrumbs pennies for both of us Big Grin

EDIT EDIT We're having a BIG snowstorm right now Shirley, grab your mittens and get over here ... We'll whoop the pants off those boys with our snowballs Big Grin
Hi Shirley, thanks for asking - Stevie's temperature now seems normal, but the poor little bugger is still getting very tired very quick, and has little appetite, Sally and I still feel absolutely lousy, and I have the mother and father of coughs to go with it Roll Eyes This flu bug has truly screwed up our Christmas this year - did you ever hear of an 8 year old boy who couldn't be bothered to open and play with his presents?

Oh well, hopefully start improving soon.
Hey, Miss M. Yeh, been up since about 8:30. Choo, if it was p.m., would you say 21:... lol I know... j/k Wink Young un HAHA Young at heart... BTW, I love Laurel & Hardy. Yeh, I shoulda gotten it right away. Just dingy is all. Big Grin

Pete, I think the aftermath is sometimes worse than the actual illness. My girls and I are havin' our Christmas this weekend. It won't hurt a thing to delay it a bit. The holidays tend to spread out over about a two week period for me. One of the reasons I cooked that turkey breast on Boxing Day. Smile Maybe ham while there... yummmm! And I KNOW some of her special buttermilk pie and the youngest makes a better cheesecake than mine. OMG I can't wait!!! lol
Back now..Shirley, you'll be happy, not working today but SHOPPING today (online of course)

Pete--why don't you kind of improvise from what Shirley is going to do? Celebrate Christmas next weekend (or whenever family feels up to it). Tell Stevie Santa knew he was sick and is making up a new Christmas Eve just for him (uh-oh...does he still believe in Santa??) Or something to that effect should work. Poor little guy, he must have been REALLY sick not to have any interest in his gifts.Frown

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