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Hey. Smile
Yeh Taz, gotta celebrate gettin' outa that nasty ole playground. Went to that site ya'll were talkin' about and found this new avi to go with it. Check it out Miss M! Big Grin

I vote for the 3rd one, since you don't like the 2nd shrunk. I found one with an 8 ball on his chest if you want it. lol Not an 8 ball, but an 8 in a circle, anyway it's pretty cute. Have fun at work.

How're you Miss M? You here? Wonder where Ninth got off to. Ya think I scared him? Red Face
Well, I'm off to sleep... Gotta get up really early in the morning. I have to tell ya about this first. Smile

Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with those expensive double-pane energy efficient kind. Last week I got a call from the contractor, complaining his work had been completed a year ago and I had yet to pay for them.

Man oh man, did we go around and around about that. Just because I'm a blonde does Not mean I'm automatically stupid!

So, I proceeded to tell him just what his fast-talking sales guy had told me last year - namely, that in one year, the windows would pay for themselves.... There was silence on the other end of the line, so I just hung up. I haven't heard anything back. Big GrinBig Grin

In case I don't make it by... I hope everyone has a very Safe & Happy New Year!!! xo Wink
Talk to ya'll next year, hopefully before.

Sheesh what a bunch of one around yet?? I had to watch my Sat morning cartoons before getting online. Young at heart, right Shirley Wink

This thread seems to be winding down, so just in case, would like to wish a Happy Happy New Year to everyone, in particular to the great Auctiva staff that help us so much throughout the year (and have been SO patient while we tie up space with our crazy ramblings) Smile
THANK YOU for everything!!

EDIT--And once again, huge congrats Auctiva Jeff on your beautiful new baby! Enjoyed the pic on the other thread, he's perfect. What a holiday gift,eh?

I'll check in later to see if anyone has surfaced...remember, we have to try to keep this thread going til New Year's Wink

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