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Hey folks, I actually have an Auctiva question..

I have hundreds of closed auctions that I have not deleted because I usually end up using them again as 'sell similar' (easier than taking the pics over again). I see lately, when I do a search for one from last summer for example, it won't come says 'not found'. And I look EVERYWHERE, saved listings, closed listings etc.

I searched for 'harley white' (I have the word white in the title) to see all the white shirts I had, it USED to show them all but now it doesn't.

Like with the templates sometimes, it seems you have to know the exact name of the title or it will not come up anymore.

Does it just do this when the listings get older? It's gonna be a real pain in the spring if I have to look page by page...I must be doing something wrong, but the fact that it worked before and not now makes me wonder if Auctiva changed something I'm missing????
Who dares to taint this thread with a real question I would report this as an off topic divergence if I could still remember what it was supposed to be about. Confused

On the other hand, hi, thought everyone had scarpered since yesterday Smile

edit - ok, I would not rely on it all still being on someone elses server from one year to the next so I keep all my originals backed up on my PC and associated machinery.

Can we get back to the usual free-for-all now Big Grin
Miss M you have violated the sanctity of this post with a question that actually pertains to something serious! For that scofflaw the tribunal hereby sentences you to 30 lashes with a wet noodle and a FREEZER full of FROZEN rats!

Seriously I do not know the answer to that question. Do you have everything arranged in folders?If so possibly time to go through and create some more folders that are more item specific.
I really have never encountered this problem so I am sorry I cannot be more helpful Confused

EDIT: Hi Choo glad to see you are not he only one THROWN by a REAL question
Or, perhaps it is just that you were away from this thread for too long so any extra shift may cause the same effect.

This is probably more addictive than incinerating old leaves in the most expensive way possible to achieve an early retirement from life.

Question or topic diversion as Ms M seems to have avoided my question about singing Happy Death Day to her frozen rats.

Is it true that organic cigarettes are made from camel dung ?
Seems kind of logical, organic usually refers to grown without artificial fertilisers etc, so why not skip the plant bit, powder the dung roll in in a piece of loo roll or newspaper and smoke it.

Strikes me a lot of people are already doing that judging by the foul smell from thier death sticks that waft my way.

Besides in some countries with very few resources I believe dung can be mixed with mud for building material so why not smoke it too ?

Edit - phew what are releif I thought you were saving them for a BBQ for unwelcome guest gannets.

Edit 2 - my post count is sometimes rising with replies to this thread rather than with each new thread I reply to or create. have we broken the forum software I wonder ?
Last edited by choochooguy
Or, perhaps it is just that you were away from this thread for too long so any extra shift may cause the same effect.

This is probably more addictive than incinerating old leaves in the most expensive way possible to achieve an early retirement from life.

Could be right Choo as I just got out of the shower and could not resist refreshing the thread!
Miss M I too LOVED pretzels but now they repulse me!
Hey I just happened to think! Is it possible that my TWISTED personality has something to do with my job?

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