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Hi Shirley Girl, I've missed you too, I mean what good is a fly without a sly, shiny spider to trick him? Deleted too late, I already saw that unguarded comment, 2nd thoughts not allowed. ANY kind of cookies? Damn, you sure know how to turn up the heat - I need to open the door and let some cool air in here. Yup, all battened down and snuggled in, well not quite, all I really need is a supply of home-made Texas cookies (personally delivered of course, Mmmmm... Wink(ya'll don't read that GAR stuff. Big Grin )
Miss M, my ribs hurt! Big GrinBig Grin Not the same kind of fairy. I've done two this evening, and it's almost scary how close those things are. lol

Here's the link. You should do it. Smile

I'm a Raven Fairy. hmmm
You are the fallen angel of fairies. You look at evil not as a terrible thing, but a necessity for spiritual balance in this world. You are very confident about who you are, and you tend to be rebellious.

Sorry... now back to Ninth's state of Delirium. I like that much better! Wink

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