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No not this work of modern prose, I mean the thread about the tedious number of times we have to calm new users nerves when all thier listings evaporate when eBay do thier pull all listings anti-fraud check.

And by tedious I mean it could be avoided, by a warning from Auctiva before the event. I, like you folks will step in and happily calm the latest victim. Smile

edit - like to think the casual passer by will hunt down the snow fairy, this thread is full of memorable prose and situations.

So come all you casual viewers jump in if you dare, what you got to lose, sanity, maybe, joins us in the charge to the second millenia of replies Cool (even if it is to correct my smelling), there I go again Wink
Jeff what is the possibility of creating an advisory board with input from Active Community members? I believe a brainstorming session would greatly improve our ability to be pro-active members of the site.Possibly a private invitation type of forum where ideas and input could be freely exchanged back and forth without less seasoned input if you catch my drift?
I understand the cost and time implications involved in setting this up but I believe the overall benefit to the site would ultimately pay off in a better user experience and bottom line for Auctiva.

I had posted this in the thread about Auctiva and never got any input from Auctiva. (Or other Auctiva members for the most part)

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