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It's not all sunshine here. lol A decent amount of rain, snow and it's actually windier on average than Chicago (not that I'm crazy about that part). Red Face

I've been seriously considering going close to my girls. Desert. I don't know.

edit- We'd just choose a little different path to hook up on our way to Reno. Wink

edit/edit- No Taz, you're not. There ya go, thinkin' again! Big Grin
OK no-one has posted a joke for awhile! Big Grin

"It was a May-December marriage, and as the old man climbed in to bed for the first time with his new bride, he asked, "Did your mother tell you what to do on your wedding night?"

"Yes," she cooed, kissing him lightly, "She told me everything."

"Good," said the elderly gentleman as he turned out the light, "because I've forgotten."

Edit: Having some horrible PC problems ! I think I may have picked up a virus or a trojan somewhere!
Gotta run a system scan before this piece of crap decides to go South on me!
Talk to you all later if I can get this fixed. Took me almost 15 minutes to get this post through.
When I lived in Arizona I got so sick of it. Sun & heat every day (the 2 things I love most), you could plan a picnic or something a year from now and know that the weather would be perfect. I grew up in Chgo and I really missed the changing seasons and weather, even if I don't like it. No one had lawns either, too expensive to irrigate. To this day I hate landscaping.

Guess I'll just stay here Smile (Until the time comes to go to Reno, right Miss S?) Big Grin
Reno is not what you think of as desert, no cactus for example. It's the 'high desert', 4500 ft, with sagebrush. Reno is in the Truckee Meadows, with the Truckee River running through it (sounds like a movie with Brad Pitt) and LOTS of trees and very mild weather in comparison to other places. NO bad smells, either. Very clear air usually, surrounded by mountains.
That sounds so gorgeous Ninth. lol I love driving through the Guadalupe Mountains. Spent a lot of time as a kid in the Davis Mountains. That's desert, I guess like parts of New Mexico.
Those pics I posted are the Cimarron Canyon in NM on the way to Red River.

Miss M, to head to Reno, we'll want to meet out of TX somewhere I'm thinking. Smile

edit- Isn't Dallas too far South? It's East for me anyway. I can't find a good map to see it all.
edit/edit- Where's Reno from Las Vegas? Dallas is way too South. Maybe meet up in Denver or thereabouts? That looks like a straighter shot.
Last edited by shadeaux

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