Fuzzy bunny slippers without SteelToes are useless to me. A mutant pretzel may attack!
You did not see my post about Pete's Alien Jelly Belly jelly bean avatar?
Of course I voted!
Mutant pretzel, huh? I may never eat pretzels again - are you saying you have to eat them before they eat you? 
Yeah I do remember seeing your post about the jelly belly
Anyway here's your slippers, (not strippers, SLIPPERS)

Yeah I do remember seeing your post about the jelly belly

Anyway here's your slippers, (not strippers, SLIPPERS)

Hi all o' ya'll Sweeties! Did I hear my name? lol Yes, I know I've been MIA. Don't get it in your heads that I haven't been thinking about all of you though. 
All I know is I now sure have a whole new perspective on pretzels!!
And ice cream... and honey. All this talk of food is making me hungry, with one look at those snowman ice cream cones to quickly alleviate that!
Rest assured, mine was one of the first (three- shhh!) votes to get Pete's giraffe back.

All I know is I now sure have a whole new perspective on pretzels!!

Rest assured, mine was one of the first (three- shhh!) votes to get Pete's giraffe back.

Errm Pete I think you do need therapy, if I am not mistaken your new avatar as of 13th Jan appears to be dragon with hangover vomitting a fireball 

Choo, you do speak with such verbose eloquence! Or is it eloquent verbosity? 
seriously though.

seriously though.
Hi Shadeaux, more like verbal diahorrea, must have been something I heard earlier 

Does this mean I am a loose cannon?
OMG I am a BAD person!
How do YA like me now!
Well Taz, a "loose cannon" I think we are battery of loose canons so no problem there, say what we feel get what we desrve whether we like it or not, a 'bad person', well I'll reserve judgement on that 'til I check with the girls, what you say girls

quote:must have been something I heard earlier![]()
Couldn't THAT be just about anything... too much for my wee brain to comprehend.

Taz, a bad person??? No way! Anyone who wears fuzzy bunny slippers, even with steel toes, saving us all from mutant pretzels has to be a hero!!

Loose cannon... well, aren't we all when we get riled up and gotta say what we gotta say!?

uhoh, are we just a bunch o' bad apples?
How'd that dinner go? Did it happen yet? Did I miss the details back there somewhere?
Now where did that sweet li'l fly get off to??

Why lurking again as usual Miss S., according to Miss X-ray eyes that is. But you know I can't stay away from YOU.
In fact I've been lurking so much, I've managed to read every post from you inmates since I've been MIA, in ALL the threads by the way.
Even voted the ONE vote to keep that Tele-Tubby freakazoid running around in circles. Can't get much weirder than that. It's "PeterPerfect"! (Stop groaning, I know: I deserve a whack.) Miss M go easy ok?!
Ok, off I go, but you know 'I'll be BAAAAK'. Can only lurk for so long when it comes to you loonies, although I might change my ID to 'The Midnight Skulker'. Watcha think?

In fact I've been lurking so much, I've managed to read every post from you inmates since I've been MIA, in ALL the threads by the way.
Even voted the ONE vote to keep that Tele-Tubby freakazoid running around in circles. Can't get much weirder than that. It's "PeterPerfect"! (Stop groaning, I know: I deserve a whack.) Miss M go easy ok?!
Ok, off I go, but you know 'I'll be BAAAAK'. Can only lurk for so long when it comes to you loonies, although I might change my ID to 'The Midnight Skulker'. Watcha think?

quote:Can only lurk for so long when it comes to you loonies, although I might change my ID to 'The Midnight Skulker'. Watcha think?
We thought your PC must have died keeping away so long, "Midnight Skiver" more like, leaving us to do all the threading

Hey Choo! Well let's just say I've been occupied with other things. But not so much as to not keep up with the ongoing sagas. You all seem to be doing just a-ok on your own. You and Taz have been kicking some serious butt on the other threads. Why I must say, you've done us right proud! 
edit - Midnight Skiver? Is that anything like Midnight Skivies?

edit - Midnight Skiver? Is that anything like Midnight Skivies?

Yep, life does get in the way of lunacy at times 
Some mornings this thread can take an hour or two to digest, certainly got a bloated mailbox in to the bargain.
Thanks, yep, serious butt kicking, when someone 'exposes' themselves here they get no mercy that's for sure, I think Taz is the king where butts are concerned, wouldn't want to be on the end of his pretzel proof bunnies

Some mornings this thread can take an hour or two to digest, certainly got a bloated mailbox in to the bargain.
Thanks, yep, serious butt kicking, when someone 'exposes' themselves here they get no mercy that's for sure, I think Taz is the king where butts are concerned, wouldn't want to be on the end of his pretzel proof bunnies

Just saw your edit, just to confirm whether my comment was a compliment or not :-
A skivvy just works (unskilled/menial work), skiver is skilled in avoiding work !
edit - just tidied up the definitions
A skivvy just works (unskilled/menial work), skiver is skilled in avoiding work !
edit - just tidied up the definitions

A little different meaning over here. Skivvies is a term I picked up in the Navy. It means "men's underwear" ie your shorts! As in:
So, 'Midnight Skivvies' anyone?

So, 'Midnight Skivvies' anyone?

Think I'll pass on that, rather take my chances with a mutant pretzel 
Time for bed over here, nite all

Time for bed over here, nite all

You BETTER pass! 
See you, manana!

See you, manana!
I know I am going to regret asking this but I have mislaid my Anglo-American dictionary 

It's Spanish for 'morning'. mañana(mahn-yahn'-a) See you in the morning Choo. Please don't dream of 'shorts'. (at least not MINE!) 

Now I just have to wonder, what kind of special ingredients are included in said skivvies. 

Is that a rhetorical question? (Bet it is.
)(Any good little spider who makes cookies knows all about the special ingredients.) 

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