What are you experiencing?!! Are they bad?!!
Yes! Dangerously so!!
Heart needs attention! Vitals out of control!!
Heart needs attention! Vitals out of control!!
Why you're trembling uncontrollably my dear! It must be the side-effects of the emergency measures. 


Look who finally showed up...the two MIAs, didn't think you guys would ever be back..(glad you are
I got me a brand new HOSE and a huge supply of RAID so you best behave yourselves..
Seriously, glad you're both back (I think)

Look who finally showed up...the two MIAs, didn't think you guys would ever be back..(glad you are

I got me a brand new HOSE and a huge supply of RAID so you best behave yourselves..

Seriously, glad you're both back (I think)
Yes, I am! Yes, it is! 

Howdy there Miss M! How you be?

Howdy there Miss M! How you be?

Oh dear, your condition is soaring out of control!
Dang side-effects anyway! I can see more treatment is in order.! (You know what they say:'The doctor is always in.)

Miss M! Too late! The building burned to the ground!

Dang side-effects anyway! I can see more treatment is in order.! (You know what they say:'The doctor is always in.)

Miss M! Too late! The building burned to the ground!

The building burned to the ground? Where was I? I could have baked me some mutant pretzels in my Fuzzy Pink Steel Toed Bunny Slippers!
Thanks for the butt kickin comment. Yeah I do believe we managed to tend the boards rather well in the absence of "youse" two.
Dinner went amazingly well. Sweeties parents were very cordial and seemed to accept things very well. But of course a good Filet Mignon and a bottle of wine do have a tendency to bring out the best in people.
Thanks for the butt kickin comment. Yeah I do believe we managed to tend the boards rather well in the absence of "youse" two.
Dinner went amazingly well. Sweeties parents were very cordial and seemed to accept things very well. But of course a good Filet Mignon and a bottle of wine do have a tendency to bring out the best in people.
Yes, soaring out of control!
The doctor is always in... *sigh*
The doctor is always in... *sigh*

Hey Taz! Pretzels woulda been fried to toast anyway. 

Woohoo! that dinner went well!

Woohoo! that dinner went well!

Miss S that is why they are mutant pretzels they are resistant to heat and GAR post!
Taz, my man! Filet Mignon and a bottle of wine? You dirty dog you, way to pull it off! Ya did us right proud.
And the way you two hound dogs kicked that butt! WOW.(Gotta keep things straight sometimes.)
Time to bend some more pretzels I bet! We know 'youse two' just have to 'celebrate'. (as opposed to celibate)

And the way you two hound dogs kicked that butt! WOW.(Gotta keep things straight sometimes.)
Time to bend some more pretzels I bet! We know 'youse two' just have to 'celebrate'. (as opposed to celibate)

I think not Taz. Resistance is futile, even for mutant pretzels! 

Hey Taz..glad the parents weren't too tough on ya
I know you were on your best behavior
Did you wear the bunnie slippers over there??

Hey Ninth!
You DO realize you never used to be thiss goofy don't you? Since the building already burnt to the ground, I'll have to get the RAID out!
I am always prepared
You DO realize you never used to be thiss goofy don't you? Since the building already burnt to the ground, I'll have to get the RAID out!
I am always prepared

Resistance is futile Miss S? We have met the Borg and they are FeeBay! Hmm 7 of Nine was a Borg. OK Ninth is there something you are neglecting to tell us? We refuse to be assimilated!
Be careful with your answer as Jean Luc may be lurking about.
Miss M no bunny slippers sorry. Had to break out the big dogs. Wolverines of course. Gotta wear something to fit in with the Taz persona!
Be careful with your answer as Jean Luc may be lurking about.
Miss M no bunny slippers sorry. Had to break out the big dogs. Wolverines of course. Gotta wear something to fit in with the Taz persona!
YAY a Star Trek fan!! Yeah love all those series
Wish they were doing some reruns.

Not the RAID! Spider are you listening to this?! She's planning bug abuse!
Do you really think I could be a Borg, after burning that house to the ground?! (Well, my circuits were in melt-down mode!) Must have been something I ate - cookies with the super-secret ingredient!
Do you really think I could be a Borg, after burning that house to the ground?! (Well, my circuits were in melt-down mode!) Must have been something I ate - cookies with the super-secret ingredient!

I'm listening my sweet sweet fly! I'll protect you! We'll use my web to flee!
Melt-down mode... indeed!
Sorry to break in with this rather rude and obnoxious spamming message but have you all heard about the newest rage. The only way to pay FeeBay more money and screw everyone else too! Sign up under me and you will see! Welcome to Little Crusts
EDIT: Just saw Jeff's post about filtering out BC possibly.
That stinks, maybe if we keep the ground attack up it will not get to that point.
Wonder if Kick It Back will be filtered also. LOL
EDIT: Just saw Jeff's post about filtering out BC possibly.
That stinks, maybe if we keep the ground attack up it will not get to that point.
Wonder if Kick It Back will be filtered also. LOL
What, pray tell, it that? (little crusts)
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