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She has sent me a email with a barely concealed threat towards my 100 % feedback.

Hi Taz I lost my eBay virginity within the first few months of selling due to a stroppy buyer who over bid on an old listed as damaged item, which was well photgraphed. He basically wanted an excessive partial refund or would neg me. I refused to buckle to his threats so I got my first red.

That was over 2 years ago and over a thousand positives collected since from many repeat customers across the globe (and no more reds), who needs 100%, 99.9% is good enough 100% pure is used as a weapon against you by dubious buyers. My many global, repeat customers can't be wrong. Smile

edit - congrats Taz has reached a 1000, how do you feel Big Grin
Hi Choo, thought I saw you around...

Yep, we are all going to get negged sooner or later, I've been negged once each on all 4 of my buyer acts but never yet on my selling act (how strange is that)

Of course I negged the sellers first but they were absolutely horrible transactions and they really did deserve it. Usually I'd much rather leave no FB at all.

TAZ--forgot, I sent you one too, go check Smile
Well I am off to the pretzel factory. (hopefully not too many more times Big Grin )
Will be anxiously awaiting a chance to view the responses to our latest posts.
Miss M I do believe you better buy stock in Kleenex I have a feeling you may be needing Kleenex by the case soon.
EDIT: See I told you Pete was around!

Pete just remember that as Taz I am able to spin up quite a storm!
Hey Ya'll! Smile

Miss M, are you settled on one pair? (Hi Pete) I have another perfect pair right here in my hot little hands. Want me to send 'em to ya for him? Wink Course ya know I gotta give Ninth first dubs on 'em. Razz

No, I don't know what rubber chickens have to do with giraffes... except they both have long necks.

Taz, congrats on the 1000+! And good luck with the post-interview... You're movin' up!! woohoo!

Evenin' Choo. Did anyone ever figure out what on Earth you're sayin' over there?

Did I miss Kbalona somewhere or is he MIA?

Ninth, before Miss M claims these for Pete, you want first dubs??SmileSmile

edit- What's this? I get here and ya'll leave? Eek
I took a shower!

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