I agree with dmhcollectibles, this is a great site, and when it works, I love it, but we must figure out a way to shorten this downtime!
And yes Windmill, I did plan for this, hence my comment of 'skipping a day of sleep' so that I could bust out as many auctions as possible!! I am not trying to be "ill" here or anything, but regardless if we pay for this site or not, we should receive the service and "timeframes" that are set forth by the administrators.
Auctiva and the crew do a very good job, however, the functionality of the site needs to be brought up a few notches, and yes I understand they are working their way towards that by being 'down' so that we can have a better site and I am very appreciative; however, it's been well over 8.5 hours now...free or not, that's too long.
I've been to paying sites and I list on paying sites as well, and I expect, for the mostpart, the service to run a good portion of the time, that's all.
And the "notepad" idea doesn't always work properly....I've tried it and the fonts and colors, etc don't copy over properly and it literally takes me more time "fixing" the description than it would be to do it directly on Auctiva...I don't spend a lot of time on descriptions anyway....we all know people don't actually READ them...LOL. I do one listing and every one after that stems off the first....easy -peasy!
So, *fingers crossed* we'll be up and running again soooon....