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My wife kept telling me we needed wireless. I disagreed and got it against my will.
Then, I found out I could post listings while watching CSI or the Military Channel with the laptop. It's nice.
Then, I found out I could post listings while watching CSI or the Military Channel with the laptop. It's nice.

Joe...I love our wireless! We have all the computers networked and woohoo! Life is sweet!
Starry...Yep! I list while I'm glancing back and forth at the television. I answer my emails while watching Survivor or the latest of Lost. If it's really something I want to see and give it my undivided attention I'll TIVO it so I savor it at a later time.
Computers are considered standard operating hardware of most houses now. Just like a stove, refrigerator, etc.
I'm probably one of the last of a dying breed, I don't have any IM'ers cause well, I just don't. But I do have my multiple windows/tabs open on a browser while I'm glancing around keeping up with the household.
Gawd everyone from my friends and family to my childrens friends etc, surfs while they're watching tv or talking on the phone etc.
It's the multi-task lifestyle that we live. You can pay your bills online at the same time you're reading the latest news on MSNBC or looking up your child's grades or answering emails while CSI is digging up the latest cadaver.
TV most certainly affects buying on eBay/sites etc. Just watch the dip during American Idol. It was even shown during the documentary on eBay. They watched the roll from east coast to west coast as the numbers dropped.
Starry...Yep! I list while I'm glancing back and forth at the television. I answer my emails while watching Survivor or the latest of Lost. If it's really something I want to see and give it my undivided attention I'll TIVO it so I savor it at a later time.
Computers are considered standard operating hardware of most houses now. Just like a stove, refrigerator, etc.
I'm probably one of the last of a dying breed, I don't have any IM'ers cause well, I just don't. But I do have my multiple windows/tabs open on a browser while I'm glancing around keeping up with the household.
Gawd everyone from my friends and family to my childrens friends etc, surfs while they're watching tv or talking on the phone etc.
It's the multi-task lifestyle that we live. You can pay your bills online at the same time you're reading the latest news on MSNBC or looking up your child's grades or answering emails while CSI is digging up the latest cadaver.
TV most certainly affects buying on eBay/sites etc. Just watch the dip during American Idol. It was even shown during the documentary on eBay. They watched the roll from east coast to west coast as the numbers dropped.
What's a TV?

I can't concentrate well enough with any other distractions like TV or music, unfortunately. It's okay, though -- since I've started selling on eBay my TV consumption has gone way down. I'm liking it.
I am seriously considering not listing on American Idol nights. But, that would take away from 2 nights I usually do well. Maybe not list one of them. I don't know what to do! But, this stinks. My mom was telling me retail is slow in February. I think I agree. I just don't remember it being like this. I am listing 2-3 times more than I ever did, good prices & sell-thru hasn't budged much. Can you sense my frustration. Overworked & underpaid!!!
Yep Rick.
I agree.
I've never been a big tv watching person. Oh, I have my shows I like to watch every week. But my total tv watching time is less than...hmmmm....on a really big tv watching week for me only is.....10 hours a week. (that includes the commercials) Shows that are Tivo'd (which I'm a HUGE fan) enable me to zip by the commercials and watch what I want to watch, when I want to watch it and in less time.
Take care, Donna
I agree.
I've never been a big tv watching person. Oh, I have my shows I like to watch every week. But my total tv watching time is less than...hmmmm....on a really big tv watching week for me only is.....10 hours a week. (that includes the commercials) Shows that are Tivo'd (which I'm a HUGE fan) enable me to zip by the commercials and watch what I want to watch, when I want to watch it and in less time.
Take care, Donna
quote:Originally posted by attire4less:
I am seriously considering not listing on American Idol nights. But, that would take away from 2 nights I usually do well. Maybe not list one of them. I don't know what to do! But, this stinks. My mom was telling me retail is slow in February. I think I agree. I just don't remember it being like this. I am listing 2-3 times more than I ever did, good prices & sell-thru hasn't budged much. Can you sense my frustration. Overworked & underpaid!!!
Remember how crazed America is with American Idol? If you saw that documentary they showed eBay watching screens all across America and the numbers drop off on ebay until the show is over.
I decided today I'm changing my closing times on AI night to AFTER the show ends.
I'll come back next week and give you the specs on my experiment...ok?
Frustrated? You have a right to be when it hits the pocketbook.
Take care,
quote:Originally posted by Suthrnjewl:
Remember how crazed America is with American Idol? If you saw that documentary they showed eBay watching screens all across America and the numbers drop off on ebay until the show is over.
That's an incredible observation!
Also, forgot about the TiVO. I love mine. It's cut down on the total amount of TV that I watch.
Our family watches it too. So, I assumed it was all related. 25 million viewers last week one night.
Feeling the pain. Let me know the results.
Our family watches it too. So, I assumed it was all related. 25 million viewers last week one night.
Feeling the pain. Let me know the results.
I just wanted to say . . .
"Hi Michelle
"Hi Michelle

I think I need to figure out the AI schedule so I don't list during it!
I sometimes watch when they are auditioning but in general there are many other things I'd rather watch. We have a DVR (not Tivo brand but similar) and we love it! It keeps up with stations moving shows we like around, and it means I almost always have SOMETHING good to watch saved on there. I watch far less stupid shows than I used to, but still manage to watch a lot of tv.
I sometimes watch when they are auditioning but in general there are many other things I'd rather watch. We have a DVR (not Tivo brand but similar) and we love it! It keeps up with stations moving shows we like around, and it means I almost always have SOMETHING good to watch saved on there. I watch far less stupid shows than I used to, but still manage to watch a lot of tv.
It's old home night here in this thread!
Okay I caved, after almost 6 years with no pay TV I ordered Dirct TV - they will be out to install it on Monday.
I might need a TV next to my desk, or maybe a new laptop
I might need a TV next to my desk, or maybe a new laptop

I have a little TV I picked up for $5 from a thrift. It's color, a Panasonic. It sits on my desk. I watch some shows from it while I work or surf. I also have a laptop. I watch DVD's on it in bed, lol. AI night -- (does it start 8PM or 9PM?). Anyway, I'll list at 7PM on Tuesday and Wednesday. That's 10PM eastern and 7PM my time.
I'll let you know.
I'll let you know.

I don't "watch", but rather "listen." Whatever my wife is watching in the other room, I can hear. Does that count? Truthfully, I don't "watch" that much TV to begin with. As far as wireless, I have my iBook on wireless, but I installed ethernet into various rooms in my house to keep my desktops hardwired.
If there's something on TV that's not really exciting, of course I get on my phone and browsing