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Hi mlidren,

Thanks for helping to bring this to our attention. As the representative who responded to your support case explained, this problem is occurring because eBay made a significant change to the part of the category structure in which you are listing and we need to update our category system accordingly.

We are working on updating our category data now to pick up eBay's latest changes and we will follow up with you to let you know as soon as the update is complete. We apologize for any inconveniences this is causing.

This really needs to be resolved. Otherwise, I am using AUCTIVA for half my listing then have to go into eBay and revise and add item double work for us and we are paying for AUCTIVA...should I just do my listings on eBay and cancel AUCTIVA - maybe!
Originally posted by mlidren:
In my opinion, these things should be kept more on top of and Auctiva should be more proactive in keeping up to date.
Hi mlidren,

Hello again. I certainly understand that it would be ideal if we could process these updates more proactively and, while there is always room for improvement, these updates are difficult to handle completely seamlessly because we have to wait until the category changes are complete on the eBay site before we can update our site accordingly.

However, we have since finished the category update for eBay US and the “Custom Item Specifics” link still is not showing up for the new categories so we are now looking into what we need to do to get that link to show up for the categories that were changed.

I will continue to keep you posted on this situation as additional information becomes available.

I thing there really needs to be announcement board so if we have an issue we can just zip to it and see if there is known issue. OR something when you log in, (of course, that would only work if you re-logged in I guess) as it is waste of everyone's time to write support and write on forums for an issue that auctiva already knows about.

YES, I realize it makes everyone aware of problems, but in this case ignorance is NOT bliss.

For example images, had I known there was a problem, I SURE would NOT have posted listings KNOWING that, I would have kept my pants on and did next day or when fixed.

Also, can someone enlighten me as to category ? or is it bunches of them, as I really am not ready to beat my head against wall today spinning my wheels. (save that for Monday usually)

IS there an announcement board???? I have been unable to find one.
Hi lookandbuyme,

I believe the specific categories that are affected by this issue are the ones in the sections that eBay just restructures, such as Clothing Shoes, and Accessories. I do not have a complete listing of these categories that are available, but most of them I have see are in the new section called “Kids' Clothing, Shoes, and Accs”.

When we encounter technical problems such as this that have a relatively large user impact, we will generally post about the issue in the "Known Issues" section of our support site and on our Community Forum so I recommend checking those parts of our site if you want to confirm whether we are aware of a problem you are encountering.

If you click the “File a Support Case” link under the “Help” tab on our site and we have known issues posted, you will see a “Known Issues” link next to the description field and you will be able to see the details of any known issues we have posted.

We are still working to resolve this particular problem as quickly as possible and I will keep everyone posted through this thread as additional information about the situation becomes available.

Last edited by auctivamiked
none of the categories under women's clothes are showing item specifics.

it is not there at all.

I am hoping my relists port the existing conditions but i am worried they will either get an api error have no conditions. (suddenly a non operating drop down for item condition is appearing on the relist page).

a whole day lost and rework ahead. yaya
YES> It appears to be several categories....Brass/metal, garden, collectibles. Drop down CONDITION not working either as stated. Very frustrating
Originally posted by itsjustme:
none of the categories under women's clothes are showing item specifics.

it is not there at all.

I am hoping my relists port the existing conditions but i am worried they will either get an api error have no conditions. (suddenly a non operating drop down for item condition is appearing on the relist page).

a whole day lost and rework ahead. yaya
I think I will just not plan to POST to ebay today but I'll write up as much of my listings as I can and then hopefully tomorrow this will be fixed and I can revise on Auctiva before uploading to ebay. I'm trying to be patient 0 honest I am (even though it may not sound like it!)
Originally posted by pattycyn:
YES> It appears to be several categories....Brass/metal, garden, collectibles. Drop down CONDITION not working either as stated. Very frustrating
Originally posted by itsjustme:
none of the categories under women's clothes are showing item specifics.

it is not there at all.

I am hoping my relists port the existing conditions but i am worried they will either get an api error have no conditions. (suddenly a non operating drop down for item condition is appearing on the relist page).

a whole day lost and rework ahead. yaya
Hi Community,

As some contributors to this thread have pointed out, the "Item Condition" drop down menu is also not showing up for some categories as a result of the same issue and we expect that problem to be resolved at the same time the “Custom Item Specifics” link can be restored for these categories.

I will continue to keep this thread updated as additional information on this situation becomes available. Thank you all very much for your continue patience as we work through these problems.

Not only are item specifics not working but the listing page is dropping my specified return policy intermittently this afternoon and failing to list the item listing on eBay, stating no return policy specified. Yet other listings of mine are getting posted.... problems???

Item condition still broken. Fortunately, I don't need it to comply with eBay rules in Collectibles - Postcards.
This is absolutely rediculous. Item specifics still not working. I pay for this service. Auctiva you should at least keep your paying members updated every hour about the progress of resolving this issue. I hope to God that all of the listings I created do not lose all of the Item Specifics Information that I spent a great deal of time creating. LET US KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. I want to know when this issue is going to be fixed. This is affecting this entire community.

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