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Tony.. thanks for quick update. GoSpin and I must have been on same wave length, as I was doing same thing with great sorrow. As I do not like change so was having a hard time wrapping my brain around switching in any way. I also feel that I owe auctiva because of all of the years of free service I received.

I frankly can't speak for others, but having ETA helps us with our planning.

Is there a BETA LIST??? Do we need to get in line?? I will gladly be a guinea pig on this. IF there is one so and you do not put me on it.. I may have to threaten to shoot you! Wink Smile
Good Morning All,

I don't post here often but do want to comment on this one..

I been a member with Auctiva for a long time and left and went elsewhere when the crazy payment thing began. I was so angry with Auctiva. Auctiva has since fixed the pay thing to be reasonable.

I am sooo Glad to be back! FACT: The Grass was NOT Greener on the other Side! The other side was a nightmare without the speed, updates, and continuous improvements that Auctiva is working on. Just had to tell you: LOOK Before you LEAP!

Just wanted to let you all know.
Stormasis, I have been listing on Auctiva for a very long time and was not thrilled with idea of switching. Especially since due to an Auctiva formatting issue and insurance blurb having to be removed I just had re-done every one my listings one by one, which took a very long time. Yes, I tried to use the bulk edit - because of Auctiva formatting issue it would not work, support could not make it work either.

I do have friends who went to the other side and they said after got over the initial shock of switching things have been great and they honestly have no plans to come back. When they cut the cord, they really cut the cord. I decided to attempt to hang in there as I simply am not a big on change person and I like auctiva and honestly fee that I used the free for a very long time and sure do not begrudge them the amount I am paying now.

I was not thinking of bailing because of fees Auctiva charges right now, it was because they did not have a feature that could save us lots of money each year that we could get elsewhere. It was strictly a business decision to save money. I am in business to make money, not let it slip through the cracks on listing fees when I can save on them. On Multiple Variation sellers can save big $$$$'s and money saved to me is money earned. I can cover my auctiva fees 20 or more times over even with the few multiples I have in the few categories ebay offers right now.

For us being able to get the multiple variation would make the grass greener and our wallets much greener, when did not know when auctiva would get it until this week so we could not plan.

If you read older forums on this of which they are quite spread under different keywords, we did not get responses from auctiva for a very long time and support requests were very confusing and contradicting to each other. So it is not like we decided on Monday we needed this and talked about switching on Thursday. This has been going on since ebay went live in June and it was talked about way before June on ebay and other forums. No, we did not expect auctiva to have it in June, even though there are those that had it pretty darn quick, we all along wanted ETA's. Just like planning a wedding or party, you need to know when it will be so you can order the cake, flowers, etc.,

We eagerly anticipate the arrival of this, are glad we are getting approximate ETA's so that we too can plan.

I guess since the grass is not greener on the other side in some opinions, we should just shut up and take what we are fed be satisfied without site updates that keep us and auctiva competitive with other sellers, even though they cost us money and a lot more listing time. If everyone had done that when the fees were announced that is what we would be paying right now and you would still be grazing on brown pastures. I would be grazing where my friends graze which they say is good grazing once the first few things are listed.

Thanks for your input, it is appreciated as this forum is for all opinions.
Last edited by lookandbuyme
Good Morning,
Just for clarification, I certainly did not mean that anyone should settle. I understand, all too well, having to make business decisions that better fit your needs.

My posting was in fact to let you know that you must make sure you are going to get the functions you are seeking prior to making a move.

I too, had to make a business decision to come back to Auctiva. Many people with the other lister were so angry with Auctiva they that said they would never come back. I could not stand with a grudge when it was costing me valuable time and money.

Some costly things that I found at the other site:
Uploading pics took twice as long.
Pixels on many of my pics were too high
Re-list was not working properly
I spent too much time scrolling to create a listing.
Too many steps to create a listing.
They had a second chance offer function- THAT DIDN'T WORK.
Inventory functions didn't work properly
Ended listings did not reflect items shipped
Consignment is non-existant
Error messages constantly
and so many more! Please read the community help before making that jump. I was just over in the community help area and there is a HUGE list of malfunctions on the site that remain..

That is why I am back...
Just trying to help. Some of those that left are settling for what they jumped to because of a grudge that didn't make sense for me to keep.

To make this clear to auctiva.. I was never considering other options because of a grudge for not having this, it was strictly business related. Just as auctiva I am sure would do the same thing if their vendors can't provide what they need.

However, My previous posts indicated I am checking out other options. There really is not a good way to check them out without putting on a few listings and seeing if they work for you as everyone has their own needs. Are you referring to IF or more than one site? As I have considered this and studied options and checkout out friends listings on other sites,they are very nit-picky and seem fine. I have written support tickets to several sites just to check reaction time and if they were skimmed tickets with automated replies. Although I have that problem here occasionally and on ebay quite often. IFr. was taken out of the picture VERY quickly, as their support responses were not read well, or understood and they were simple, responses not automated and did not answer question. I figure if you do not do that before a person starts, then it would be horrid after. So those could be IF issues, (none of my friends went to IF) however, they were zipped quickly and last time I checked they did not offer multiple variation anyway but even if they did I would not switch to them.

Have you tried other sites or is this just IF problems? I can ASSURE you these friends hold no grudge, they made business decisions based on $$$, the bottom line, they are people that believe in gettin on with the gettin on and did not have time to waste with the multiple listings. Their move had NOTHING to do with fees paid to auctiva at all. They did not move when all of the fee issues were going on, they hung in there knowing it would cost them to make the original move in time and sales, but looked at the big picture. It was a time and money saving feature that auctiva did not have. Actually, I believe a couple are paying a little more for being able to use Multiple variation, but they say it still saves them.

So we are not jumping off a cliff being clueless. . we are sellers trying to save money. Hopefully auctiva will get this soon as they have said they would and this issue will be resolved. Smile

My issues have NOTHING to do with the fees auctiva charges at all!!! And sure are not a grudge. But do feel when you pay for something you do expect things to be updated and they are being.. so hopefully all will be happy. (until ebay adds their next categories) Smile. However, I have been told that if ebay uses same platform for new categories that it will make new ones easier for auctiva to do. I am sure the start of this is like building a road from scratch and if ebay sticks with path the new categories will be side roads and easier to build.

Can't wait for this.. . am eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Last edited by lookandbuyme
Originally posted by lookandbuyme:
Tony.. thanks for quick update. GoSpin and I must have been on same wave length, as I was doing same thing with great sorrow. As I do not like change so was having a hard time wrapping my brain around switching in any way. I also feel that I owe auctiva because of all of the years of free service I received.

I frankly can't speak for others, but having ETA helps us with our planning.

Is there a BETA LIST??? Do we need to get in line?? I will gladly be a guinea pig on this. IF there is one so and you do not put me on it.. I may have to threaten to shoot you! Wink Smile
lookandbuyme, to clarify, there is not a 'beta list' for item need to get in line. I like keeping my hide intact without bullet holes. Wink

Thanks a bunch for your comments re how you didn't find the grass to be greener over with the 'other guys'. We are working hard to make sure that Auctiva continues to be a top choice for sellers...ideally the first choice. It really means a lot to all of us at Auctiva when users like yourself...who have tried out the competition and have a basis to compare...come back to us and say positive things about our work. Smile

My associate, Rebecca Miller (aka Auctiva Rebecca on the forums), has written a blog post on our upcoming multi-variation tool here:

An eBay Top Rated Seller herself, Rebecca has been working closely with the developers of Auctiva's multi variations to make it as easy to use and as intuitive as possible.

Oh, and so there is not any doubt, with the new categories that eBay announced today that they will be opening up for multi-variations (see more details here Auctiva's multi-variation tool will work with all of them as soon as eBay rolls them out.
Hi- Wish we DID KNOW. . TONY, Jeff, Rebecca???.. since I am re-doing listings to comply with ebay lastest changes and take advantage of their 10 cents, I would like to do all at once.

Last WE heard on forums was from Tony on January 2010 note said, was February 2010 and this comment at end:

I will be posting more details about it between now and when it goes up on the site, and also as is our custom, on the date it goes live.

You might try writing to support and see if you can get response. I would put that people are asking on forums.

It has been 8 - 9 months after ebay got this and the anticipation is building . . the natives are getting restless. Smile

If you get update pls. put on here.. I will also write when I get home tonight.

Last edited by lookandbuyme
As Rebecca said, 'patience, grasshoppers'. We have to finish tying the ribbon that goes around it into a bow Smile Wink Seriously, we are finishing up stuff like 'help', FAQ's, tutorials, that sort of thing.

Rebecca posted a test listing yesterday with our multi-variations from our test system onto eBay's Sandbox environment and our quality folks and other Auctiva folks have been exercising it in test too. All is going well.

I will be posting tomorrow mid-afternoon west coast time to tell everyone when we will update the site so people can start using it.

OK, I have the good news for you I’ve been hoping to be able to deliver.

We will add multi-variations to the Auctiva site this coming Tuesday Feb 16. The actual site update will take place beginning approximately 7:30am Pacific time, and we will be taking the site completely down during the update. We hope to be back on the air by 8:30 Pacific or so, give or take some in either direction. Mike D of support will be posting about the outage separately in the ‘News’ area of the forum.

As I have posted previously, multi-variations is labeled for now as ‘beta.’ While we have tested it as thoroughly as we can, you may experience a few issues due to it being so new.

Please report any problems to Auctiva Support and they will help you. We will of course be working closely with them, and Rebecca and I will both be monitoring the forums for questions during the day on Tuesday, and as needed thereafter.

When we update the site Tuesday, we are including multi-variations ‘help’ materials including an FAQ, on-screen help (look for the ‘question mark icons’) and also a tutorial. I strongly advise reviewing all these things before you start working with the multi-variations tool.

Multi-variations is advanced functionality. We are making multi-variations available to users on the Premium Plan ($19.95/month) and on the Unlimited Plan ($9.95/month). Basic plan ($2.95/month) can create and save listings with multi-variations, but in order to post multi-variations listings to eBay, you must be either a Premium Plan or Unlimited Plan users. We are including the full capability as part of our Free Trials also.

Please be aware that we have tested multi-variations with a number of different browsers, including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Opera. Actually, the majority of our testing is using new versions of these browsers. Therefore, while we expect older versions will likely work with multi-variations, you will be less likely to experience problems using the newest browser versions.

Thank you again for all your patience, and for listing with Auctiva.

Enjoy your President's day weekend.
Last edited by auctivatonym

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